Nuevo Foro Penal, Vol. 08, Núm. 78 (2012)
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Ítem ¿Can we talk in Colombia about punitive populism?(Universidad EAFIT, 2012-06-10) Uribe Barrera, Juan Pablo; Antioquia UniversityÍtem The weakening of the principle of criminal legality in the control of constitutionality of the colombian Constitutional Court(Universidad EAFIT, 2012-06-10) María Mejía, Luz; EAFIT UniversityÍtem The horse law of 1888: between the research of the “order” and the construction of an enemy(Universidad EAFIT, 2012-06-10) Adarve Calle, Lina; Universidad de AntioquiaÍtem Aplication of the organic law that regulates de criminal responsability of minors and Young people over 18 years old: a discussion about the juvenile criminal law(Universidad EAFIT, 2012-06-10) Trapero Barreales, María; Universidad de LeónÍtem 2012 Spain reform, power lines(Universidad EAFIT, 2012-06-10) Terradillos Basoco, Juan; Cádiz University