Examinando por Autor "Montoya-Zapata D."
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Ítem Approximation of the mechanical response of large lattice domains using homogenization and design of experiments(Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, 2020-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Cortés C.; Pareja-Corcho J.; Moreno A.; Posada J.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Desarrollo y Diseño de ProcesosLattice-based workpieces contain patterned repetition of individuals of a basic topology (Schwarz, ortho-walls, gyroid, etc.) with each individual having distinct geometric grading. In the context of the design, analysis and manufacturing of lattice workpieces, the problem of rapidly assessing the mechanical behavior of large domains is relevant for pre-evaluation of designs. In this realm, two approaches can be identified: (1) numerical simulations which usually bring accuracy but limit the size of the domains that can be studied due to intractable data sizes, and (2) material homogenization strategies that sacrifice precision to favor efficiency and allow for simulations of large domains. Material homogenization synthesizes diluted material properties in a lattice, according to the volume occupancy factor of such a lattice. Preliminary publications show that material homogenization is reasonable in predicting displacements, but is not in predicting stresses (highly sensitive to local geometry). As a response to such shortcomings, this paper presents a methodology that systematically uses design of experiments (DOE) to produce simple mathematical expressions (meta-models) that relate the stress-strain behavior of the lattice domain and the displacements of the homogeneous domain. The implementation in this paper estimates the von Mises stress in large Schwarz primitive lattice domains under compressive loads. The results of our experiments show that (1) material homogenization can efficiently and accurately approximate the displacements field, even in complex lattice domains, and (2) material homogenization and DOE can produce rough estimations of the von Mises stress in large domains (more than 100 cells). The errors in the von Mises stress estimations reach 42% for domains of up to 24 cells. This result means that coarse stress-strain estimations may be possible in lattice domains by combining DOE and homogenized material properties. This option is not suitable for precise stress prediction in sensitive contexts wherein high accuracy is needed. Future work is required to refine the meta-models to improve the accuracies of the estimations. © 2020 by the authors.Ítem Approximation of the mechanical response of large lattice domains using homogenization and design of experiments(Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, 2020-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Cortés C.; Pareja-Corcho J.; Moreno A.; Posada J.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Cortés C.; Pareja-Corcho J.; Moreno A.; Posada J.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)Lattice-based workpieces contain patterned repetition of individuals of a basic topology (Schwarz, ortho-walls, gyroid, etc.) with each individual having distinct geometric grading. In the context of the design, analysis and manufacturing of lattice workpieces, the problem of rapidly assessing the mechanical behavior of large domains is relevant for pre-evaluation of designs. In this realm, two approaches can be identified: (1) numerical simulations which usually bring accuracy but limit the size of the domains that can be studied due to intractable data sizes, and (2) material homogenization strategies that sacrifice precision to favor efficiency and allow for simulations of large domains. Material homogenization synthesizes diluted material properties in a lattice, according to the volume occupancy factor of such a lattice. Preliminary publications show that material homogenization is reasonable in predicting displacements, but is not in predicting stresses (highly sensitive to local geometry). As a response to such shortcomings, this paper presents a methodology that systematically uses design of experiments (DOE) to produce simple mathematical expressions (meta-models) that relate the stress-strain behavior of the lattice domain and the displacements of the homogeneous domain. The implementation in this paper estimates the von Mises stress in large Schwarz primitive lattice domains under compressive loads. The results of our experiments show that (1) material homogenization can efficiently and accurately approximate the displacements field, even in complex lattice domains, and (2) material homogenization and DOE can produce rough estimations of the von Mises stress in large domains (more than 100 cells). The errors in the von Mises stress estimations reach 42% for domains of up to 24 cells. This result means that coarse stress-strain estimations may be possible in lattice domains by combining DOE and homogenized material properties. This option is not suitable for precise stress prediction in sensitive contexts wherein high accuracy is needed. Future work is required to refine the meta-models to improve the accuracies of the estimations. © 2020 by the authors.Ítem Approximation of the mechanical response of large lattice domains using homogenization and design of experiments(Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, 2020-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Cortés C.; Pareja-Corcho J.; Moreno A.; Posada J.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAELattice-based workpieces contain patterned repetition of individuals of a basic topology (Schwarz, ortho-walls, gyroid, etc.) with each individual having distinct geometric grading. In the context of the design, analysis and manufacturing of lattice workpieces, the problem of rapidly assessing the mechanical behavior of large domains is relevant for pre-evaluation of designs. In this realm, two approaches can be identified: (1) numerical simulations which usually bring accuracy but limit the size of the domains that can be studied due to intractable data sizes, and (2) material homogenization strategies that sacrifice precision to favor efficiency and allow for simulations of large domains. Material homogenization synthesizes diluted material properties in a lattice, according to the volume occupancy factor of such a lattice. Preliminary publications show that material homogenization is reasonable in predicting displacements, but is not in predicting stresses (highly sensitive to local geometry). As a response to such shortcomings, this paper presents a methodology that systematically uses design of experiments (DOE) to produce simple mathematical expressions (meta-models) that relate the stress-strain behavior of the lattice domain and the displacements of the homogeneous domain. The implementation in this paper estimates the von Mises stress in large Schwarz primitive lattice domains under compressive loads. The results of our experiments show that (1) material homogenization can efficiently and accurately approximate the displacements field, even in complex lattice domains, and (2) material homogenization and DOE can produce rough estimations of the von Mises stress in large domains (more than 100 cells). The errors in the von Mises stress estimations reach 42% for domains of up to 24 cells. This result means that coarse stress-strain estimations may be possible in lattice domains by combining DOE and homogenized material properties. This option is not suitable for precise stress prediction in sensitive contexts wherein high accuracy is needed. Future work is required to refine the meta-models to improve the accuracies of the estimations. © 2020 by the authors.Ítem Density-sensitive implicit functions using sub-voxel sampling in additive manufacturing(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2019-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Moreno A.; Pareja-Corcho J.; Posada J.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEIn the context of lattice-based design and manufacturing, the problem of physical realization of density maps into lattices of a particular family is central. Density maps are prescribed by design optimization algorithms, which seek to fulfill structural demands on a workpiece, while saving material. These density maps cannot be directly manufactured since local graded densities cannot be achieved using the bulk solid material. Because of this reason, existing topology optimization approaches bias the local voxel relative density to either 0 (void) or 1 (filled). Additive manufacturing opens possibilities to produce graded density individuals belonging to different lattice families. However, voxel-level sampled boundary representations of the individuals produce rough and possibly disconnected shells. In response to this limitation, this article uses sub-voxel sampling (largely unexploited in the literature) to generate lattices of graded densities. This sub-voxel sampling eliminates the risk of shell disconnections and renders better surface continuity. The manuscript devises a function to produce Schwarz cells that materialize a given relative density. This article illustrates a correlation of continuity against stress concentration by simulating C0 and C1 inter-lattice continuity. The implemented algorithm produces implicit functions and thus lattice designs which are suitable for metal additive manufacturing and able to achieve the target material savings. The resulting workpieces, produced by outsource manufacturers, are presented. Additional work is required in the modeling of the mechanical response (stress/strain/deformation) and response of large lattice sets (with arbitrary geometry and topology) under working loads. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Ítem Fast analytic simulation for multi-laser heating of sheet metal in GPU(MDPI AG, 2018-11-01) Mejia-Parra D.; Montoya-Zapata D.; Arbelaiz A.; Moreno A.; Posada J.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEInteractive multi-beam laser machining simulation is crucial in the context of tool path planning and optimization of laser machining parameters. Current simulation approaches for heat transfer analysis (1) rely on numerical Finite Element methods (or any of its variants), non-suitable for interactive applications; and (2) require the multiple laser beams to be completely synchronized in trajectories, parameters and time frames. To overcome this limitation, this manuscript presents an algorithm for interactive simulation of the transient temperature field on the sheet metal. Contrary to standard numerical methods, our algorithm is based on an analytic solution in the frequency domain, allowing arbitrary time/space discretizations without loss of precision and non-monotonic retrieval of the temperature history. In addition, the method allows complete asynchronous laser beams with independent trajectories, parameters and time frames. Our implementation in a GPU device allows simulations at interactive rates even for a large amount of simultaneous laser beams. The presented method is already integrated into an interactive simulation environment for sheet cutting. Ongoing work addresses thermal stress coupling and laser ablation. © 2018 by the authors.Ítem FE-simulations with a simplified model for open-cell porous materials: A Kelvin cell approach(IOS Press, 2019-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Cortés C.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEIn in-silico estimation of mechanical properties of open (Kelvin) cell porous materials, the geometrical model is intractable due to the large number of finite elements generated. Such a limitation impedes the study of reasonable domains. VoXel or Boundary representations of the porous domain result in FEA data sets which do not pass the stage of mesh generation, even for very modest domains. Our method to overcome such limitations partially replaces geometrical minutiae with kinematical constraints imposed on cylindrical bars (i.e. Truss model). Our implemented method uses node position equality constraints augmented with rotation constraints at the joints. Such a method significantly reduces the computational expense of the model, allowing the study of domains of 103 Kelvin cells. The results of the tests executed show the accuracy and efficiency of the Truss model in the estimation of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio when compared with current procedures. The method allows application for materials which depart from Kelvin Cell uniformity, since the Truss model admits general configurations. As the simulation is made possible by the Truss model, new challenges appear, such as the application to anisotropic materials and the automatic generation of the Truss model from actual foam scans (e.g. tomographies). © 2019 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.Ítem FEA Structural Optimization Based on Metagraphs(Springer Verlag, 2019-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Sanchez-Londono D.; Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Sanchez-Londono D.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO) seeks to mimic the form in which nature designs shapes. This paper focuses on shape carving triggered by environmental stimuli. In this realm, existing algorithms delete under - stressed parts of a basic shape, until a reasonably efficient (under some criterion) shape emerges. In the present article, we state a generalization of such approaches in two forms: (1) We use a formalism that enables stimuli from different sources, in addition to stress ones (e.g. kinematic constraints, friction, abrasion). (2) We use metagraphs built on the Finite Element constraint graphs to eliminate the dependency of the evolution on the particular neighborhood chosen to be deleted in a given iteration. The proposed methodology emulates 2D landmark cases of ESO. Future work addresses the implementation of such stimuli type, the integration of our algorithm with evolutionary based techniques and the extension of the method to 3D shapes. © 2019, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.Ítem FEA Structural Optimization Based on Metagraphs(Springer Verlag, 2019-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Sanchez-Londono D.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Desarrollo y Diseño de ProcesosEvolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO) seeks to mimic the form in which nature designs shapes. This paper focuses on shape carving triggered by environmental stimuli. In this realm, existing algorithms delete under - stressed parts of a basic shape, until a reasonably efficient (under some criterion) shape emerges. In the present article, we state a generalization of such approaches in two forms: (1) We use a formalism that enables stimuli from different sources, in addition to stress ones (e.g. kinematic constraints, friction, abrasion). (2) We use metagraphs built on the Finite Element constraint graphs to eliminate the dependency of the evolution on the particular neighborhood chosen to be deleted in a given iteration. The proposed methodology emulates 2D landmark cases of ESO. Future work addresses the implementation of such stimuli type, the integration of our algorithm with evolutionary based techniques and the extension of the method to 3D shapes. © 2019, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.Ítem FEA Structural Optimization Based on Metagraphs(Springer Verlag, 2019-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Sanchez-Londono D.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEEvolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO) seeks to mimic the form in which nature designs shapes. This paper focuses on shape carving triggered by environmental stimuli. In this realm, existing algorithms delete under - stressed parts of a basic shape, until a reasonably efficient (under some criterion) shape emerges. In the present article, we state a generalization of such approaches in two forms: (1) We use a formalism that enables stimuli from different sources, in addition to stress ones (e.g. kinematic constraints, friction, abrasion). (2) We use metagraphs built on the Finite Element constraint graphs to eliminate the dependency of the evolution on the particular neighborhood chosen to be deleted in a given iteration. The proposed methodology emulates 2D landmark cases of ESO. Future work addresses the implementation of such stimuli type, the integration of our algorithm with evolutionary based techniques and the extension of the method to 3D shapes. © 2019, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.Ítem A General Meta-graph Strategy for Shape Evolution under Mechanical Stress(Taylor and Francis Inc., 2019-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Posada J.; Sanchez-Londono D.; Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Posada J.; Sanchez-Londono D.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)The challenges that a shape or design stands are central in its evolution. In the particular domain of stress/strain challenges, existing approaches eliminate under-demanded neighborhoods from the shape, thus producing the evolution. This strategy alone incorrectly (a) conserves disconnected parts of the shape and (b) eliminates neighborhoods which are essential to maintain the boundary conditions (supports, loads). The existing analyses preventing (a) and (b) are conducted in an ad-hoc manner, by using graph connectivity. This manuscript presents the implementation of a meta-graph methodology, which systematically lumps together finite element subsets of the current shape. By considering this meta-graph connectivity, the method impedes situations (a) and (b), while maintaining the pruning of under-demanded neighborhoods. Research opportunities are open in the application of this methodology with other types of demand on the shape (e.g., friction, temperature, drag, and abrasion). © 2019, © 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.Ítem A General Meta-graph Strategy for Shape Evolution under Mechanical Stress(Taylor and Francis Inc., 2019-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Posada J.; Sanchez-Londono D.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Desarrollo y Diseño de ProcesosThe challenges that a shape or design stands are central in its evolution. In the particular domain of stress/strain challenges, existing approaches eliminate under-demanded neighborhoods from the shape, thus producing the evolution. This strategy alone incorrectly (a) conserves disconnected parts of the shape and (b) eliminates neighborhoods which are essential to maintain the boundary conditions (supports, loads). The existing analyses preventing (a) and (b) are conducted in an ad-hoc manner, by using graph connectivity. This manuscript presents the implementation of a meta-graph methodology, which systematically lumps together finite element subsets of the current shape. By considering this meta-graph connectivity, the method impedes situations (a) and (b), while maintaining the pruning of under-demanded neighborhoods. Research opportunities are open in the application of this methodology with other types of demand on the shape (e.g., friction, temperature, drag, and abrasion). © 2019, © 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.Ítem A General Meta-graph Strategy for Shape Evolution under Mechanical Stress(Taylor and Francis Inc., 2019-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Posada J.; Sanchez-Londono D.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEThe challenges that a shape or design stands are central in its evolution. In the particular domain of stress/strain challenges, existing approaches eliminate under-demanded neighborhoods from the shape, thus producing the evolution. This strategy alone incorrectly (a) conserves disconnected parts of the shape and (b) eliminates neighborhoods which are essential to maintain the boundary conditions (supports, loads). The existing analyses preventing (a) and (b) are conducted in an ad-hoc manner, by using graph connectivity. This manuscript presents the implementation of a meta-graph methodology, which systematically lumps together finite element subsets of the current shape. By considering this meta-graph connectivity, the method impedes situations (a) and (b), while maintaining the pruning of under-demanded neighborhoods. Research opportunities are open in the application of this methodology with other types of demand on the shape (e.g., friction, temperature, drag, and abrasion). © 2019, © 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.Ítem Meta-modeling of Lattice Mechanical Responses via Design of Experiments(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Cortes C.; Pareja-Corcho J.; Moreno A.; Posada J.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEIn the context of lattice manufacturing, the problem of mechanical and structural characterization of large lattice domains is relevant. Lattice materials are used in engineering (e.g. in energy absorption and heat conduction) and biomedical (e.g. bone implants and artificial tissues) applications. However, the numerical simulation of large lattice domains is limited by its complicated geometry, which hinders the meshing stage and produces intractable finite element meshes. The existing efforts to simulate large lattice domains are based on the generation of simplified homogeneous domains equipped with material properties that approximate the behavior of the lattice domain equipped with the bulk material. Using this approach, one can estimate the displacements field over the lattice domain using a lighter mesh and a cheaper simulation. However, since stresses are influenced by geometrical conditions, the stresses of the simplified domain do not match the stresses of the lattice domain. As a response to this limitation, this article proposes a methodology based on the systematic use of design of experiments to devise meta-models to estimate the mechanical response of lattice domains. The devised meta-models can be integrated with material homogenization to allow the mechanical characterization of large lattice domains. In this paper, we apply the proposed methodology to develop meta-models for the estimation of the von Mises stress in Schwarz Primitive lattice domains. Results show that the proposed methodology is able to generate efficient and accurate meta-models whose inputs are based on the displacements on the boundary of the Schwarz cell. Therefore, numerical simulations with the homogeneous simplified domain can be used to feed the meta-models. Additional work is still required to integrate the developed meta-models with material homogenization to test large Schwarz Primitive lattice domains under working loads. © 2020 IEEE.Ítem Meta-modeling of Lattice Mechanical Responses via Design of Experiments(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Cortes C.; Pareja-Corcho J.; Moreno A.; Posada J.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Cortes C.; Pareja-Corcho J.; Moreno A.; Posada J.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)In the context of lattice manufacturing, the problem of mechanical and structural characterization of large lattice domains is relevant. Lattice materials are used in engineering (e.g. in energy absorption and heat conduction) and biomedical (e.g. bone implants and artificial tissues) applications. However, the numerical simulation of large lattice domains is limited by its complicated geometry, which hinders the meshing stage and produces intractable finite element meshes. The existing efforts to simulate large lattice domains are based on the generation of simplified homogeneous domains equipped with material properties that approximate the behavior of the lattice domain equipped with the bulk material. Using this approach, one can estimate the displacements field over the lattice domain using a lighter mesh and a cheaper simulation. However, since stresses are influenced by geometrical conditions, the stresses of the simplified domain do not match the stresses of the lattice domain. As a response to this limitation, this article proposes a methodology based on the systematic use of design of experiments to devise meta-models to estimate the mechanical response of lattice domains. The devised meta-models can be integrated with material homogenization to allow the mechanical characterization of large lattice domains. In this paper, we apply the proposed methodology to develop meta-models for the estimation of the von Mises stress in Schwarz Primitive lattice domains. Results show that the proposed methodology is able to generate efficient and accurate meta-models whose inputs are based on the displacements on the boundary of the Schwarz cell. Therefore, numerical simulations with the homogeneous simplified domain can be used to feed the meta-models. Additional work is still required to integrate the developed meta-models with material homogenization to test large Schwarz Primitive lattice domains under working loads. © 2020 IEEE.Ítem Meta-modeling of Lattice Mechanical Responses via Design of Experiments(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020-01-01) Montoya-Zapata D.; Acosta D.A.; Cortes C.; Pareja-Corcho J.; Moreno A.; Posada J.; Ruiz-Salguero O.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Desarrollo y Diseño de ProcesosIn the context of lattice manufacturing, the problem of mechanical and structural characterization of large lattice domains is relevant. Lattice materials are used in engineering (e.g. in energy absorption and heat conduction) and biomedical (e.g. bone implants and artificial tissues) applications. However, the numerical simulation of large lattice domains is limited by its complicated geometry, which hinders the meshing stage and produces intractable finite element meshes. The existing efforts to simulate large lattice domains are based on the generation of simplified homogeneous domains equipped with material properties that approximate the behavior of the lattice domain equipped with the bulk material. Using this approach, one can estimate the displacements field over the lattice domain using a lighter mesh and a cheaper simulation. However, since stresses are influenced by geometrical conditions, the stresses of the simplified domain do not match the stresses of the lattice domain. As a response to this limitation, this article proposes a methodology based on the systematic use of design of experiments to devise meta-models to estimate the mechanical response of lattice domains. The devised meta-models can be integrated with material homogenization to allow the mechanical characterization of large lattice domains. In this paper, we apply the proposed methodology to develop meta-models for the estimation of the von Mises stress in Schwarz Primitive lattice domains. Results show that the proposed methodology is able to generate efficient and accurate meta-models whose inputs are based on the displacements on the boundary of the Schwarz cell. Therefore, numerical simulations with the homogeneous simplified domain can be used to feed the meta-models. Additional work is still required to integrate the developed meta-models with material homogenization to test large Schwarz Primitive lattice domains under working loads. © 2020 IEEE.