Gobernar, Vol. 04, Núm. 07 (2020)

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  • Ítem
    Corporate foundations and public policy advocacy through stakeholder network management: the NiñezYA case in Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2020-10) Garay, Natalia; Leyva, Santiago; Turriago,Carolina; Medellín Cómo Vamos; Universidad EAFIT; Fundación Éxito
    This article explores the possibilities of network management to increase the capacity of business foundations to exert influence on the process of agenda-setting in public policies. This case illustrates how three foundations (Éxito Foundation, Alpina Foundation and ALAS Foundation) helped to coordinate one hundred civil society organizations to influence the Colombian National Development Plan (2018-2022). The case shows that business foundations can play an important role in setting the policy agenda by working as articulators of multiple fragmented actors of civil society. The article details the specific mechanisms used to pursue this articulation through the creation of a policy network known as NiñezYA. This in turn suggests that other foundations and NGOs could use the same strategies to increase their influence in policy making.
  • Ítem
    Bipolarity of mobility policies at Aburrá Valley
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2020-10) Tobón Jaramillo, Viviana; Universidad Externado de Colombia
    Medellín and the Aburrá Valley are internationally recognized for their capacity to design bold projects regarding transportation and sustainability. However, the city's mobility dynamics show a different reality: the number of vehicles has grown steadily over the last 20 years. The metropolitan inhabitants spend 44% more time mobilizing in the city than 12 years ago and air quality has become the main challenge on the city's environmental agenda. The purpose of this article is to understand, from the analysis of public policies, the reasons why no progress has been made in the implementation of policies that effectively discourage the use of private vehicles in the Aburrá Valley. Through the analysis of the demand management instruments enforced between 1999 and 2019, it is concluded that mobility policies produce contradictory effects with each other: they systematically avoid the restriction and disincentives to the use of automobiles and motorcycles and focusing predominantly on the expansion of road infrastructure. At the same time, they undertake actions, to a lesser extent, to stimulate the use of other means of transportation.
  • Ítem
    The struggle for adequate leadership in social movement organizations
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2020-10) Simsa, Ruth; Totter, Marion; Universidad de Economía y Empresa de Viena; Universidad de Economía y Empresa de Viena
    This article analyzes how leadership is practiced in social movement organizations (OMS). Drawing on Critical Leadership Studies, and based on qualitative empirical research conducted in the organizations of the Spanish 15M protest movement, we analyze leadership perceptions, tensions and practices in dealing with these challenges. Our findings indicate that leadership practices in the investigated OMSs are autonomous, reflective and rule-based. Emphasizing collective reflection and rules highlights two aspects of leadership in OMSs that have been largely ignored in the discourses. Nevertheless, they turn out to be important means to address the challenges of autonomous leadership.
  • Ítem
    The public administration imperative of applying an atrocity prevention lens to COVID-19 responses
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2020-10) Rubaii, Nadia; Whigham, Kerry E.; Appe, Susan; SUNY Binghamton; Universidad de Rutgers - Newark; Colegio Rockefeller de Asuntos Públicos y Políticos
    The pandemic is already forcing many individuals, businesses, and governments to rethink much of what they do and how they do it. As such, it presents an opportunity for public administrators to reimagine the criteria they use when designing and implementing programs and policies, and to more actively engage in prevention of identity-based violence. In this contribution, we suggest a new analytical lens to guide public administrators’ decision making, one informed by the theory and practice of mass atrocity prevention. This perspective recognizes that the decisions and actions of public administrators in response to the pandemic will influence whether individual countries and the global community writ large will be at increased risk of mass atrocities or if they will be more resilient and better positioned to prevent such atrocities. The COVID-19 pandemic represents both an imperative and an opportunity to reduce risks of mass atrocities, and public administrators have a vital role to play in this process.