Maestría en Estudios del Comportamiento (tesis)

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  • Ítem
    Adherencia al estiramiento para un entorno laboral seguro.
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024-02-28) Villegas Fernández, Isabela; Orjuela Giraldo , Natalia Liset; Lemos Hoyos Mariantonia
    Safety and health at work are fundamental for the well-being and quality of life of employees. Haceb Company seeks to reduce overexertion accidents through a behavioral intervention aimed at promoting adherence to stretching in the Technical Service Business Unit (UBN), where high rates of overexertion accidents have been recorded. To this end, a pre-experimental design was conducted with self-report measures before and after the intervention. The intervention was developed based on the methodological framework of the behavior change wheel and the EAST framework. Reminder messages, group warm-ups, instructional videos, and family messages were employed. The intervention showed a positive impact, with a statistically significant increase in knowledge about stretching and a higher frequency of stretching exercises. However, recognizing the bias of desirability, it is recommended to incorporate objective measurements from Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) to evaluate the effects on musculoskeletal health and physical performance of the intervened population.
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    Resultados de una intervención cuasi-experimental para mejorar el autocuidado de los técnicos de mantenimiento de equipos de transporte vertical en Medellín, Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Guzmán Rodríguez, Nathalia Andrea; Peralta Díaz, Ingrid Johanna; Ruiz Lopera, Santiago; Lemos Hoyos, Mariantonia
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    Intervención comportamental para fortalecer la claridad en la comunicación : clave para la colaboración. Caso Chec
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Zapata Cadavid, Natalia; Bernal Rodríguez, María Alejandra; Acosta Rodríguez, Andrea; Torres Cadavid, Susana
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    Decisiones reproductivas en mujeres adolescentes : intervención comportamental en torno al uso de métodos anticonceptivos modernos
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Macías González, Deisy Johana; Molina Cañas, Ana Lucía; Orrego Varón, Mayra Alejandra; Martínez Londoño, Juliana
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    Intervención comportamental tipo nudge para aumentar la participación de las mujeres en vacantes de tecnología e informática
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Marín Pareja, Erica Yohana; Montoya Jaramillo, Salomé
    Objective: to increase women's applications for specialised IT vacancies published on the Comfama Employment Service platform through nudge, reducing ambiguity in the structure of the vacancies, attaching a message of inclusion, and reinforcing role models. Method: a quasi-experimental study was conducted in a real environment with ex ante - ex post measurement and a non-probabilistic convenience sample. During 4 weeks, the structure of a total of 10 vacancies published in the Comfama Employment Service for the month of October 2023 was modified, assigned to the Specialised IT Connector, where a message of inclusion was added to the headline of the vacancy, information such as the name and salary range was included and the publication was replicated in the advertisement on the Comfama Employment social networks. Methodological tools from the Easy, Attractive, Social, Timely (EAST) model were used to reduce ambiguity in the structure and information of the vacancies and to reinforce role models with women in IT positions. Result: during the month of October 2023 there was a 14% participation of women in contrast to the month of August and September of the same year, where the participation was 8%. In addition, 51% male participation was achieved, compared to 42% in August. Conclusions: By reducing ambiguity in the structure of the vacancies, providing necessary information plus the accompanying message of inclusion and reinforcing role models, it was possible to increase the participation of women by 6 percentage points in October 2023 compared to August and September 2023. In addition, the intervention does not affect male participation, as it even increased male participation by 9 points over August.
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    Programa de intervención para el fortalecimiento de la capacidad argumentativa del equipo de Key Account Managers del Grupo Logístico TCC. Empoderamiento para hacer tangible el valor
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Escobar Guerrero, Billy Harbey; Restrepo Escobar, Laura Isabel; Romero Ochoa, Edgar Sebastián; Londoño Restrepo, Natalia
    This program links the theory of argumentation with behavioral studies by focusing on the deliberative system of the individuals who are the focus of the intervention, with the aim of providing them with knowledge and learning techniques to strengthen their persuasive abilities and train them in argumentative skills. The target population is a group of thirteen Key Account Managers (KAM) of Grupo Logístico TCC, a leading company in the logistics sector in Colombia. The KAM team is responsible for making the value proposition tangible at each stage of the company's relationship chain, which is why argumentative quality is a fundamental competence to perform its role. To this end, two fundamental lines were addressed: the first rhetoric, focused on the training of techniques to increase the quality of the arguments that allow them to be reliable and credible (ethos), manage emotions (pathos) and refine the use of persuasive arguments based on reason (logos). The second is logical-dialectical to increase their argumentative skills in the construction of solid arguments. It was implemented under a multimodal model or mode, within the EAST intervention methodological framework and a pre-experimental research design with pretest and posttest in a single group. The same qualitative instrument was used, in the pre-test and post-test: a survey with 8 vignettes, with client objections, requiring each agent to write down responses. The main finding lies in the significant improvements found comparing the pre-test and posttest since, in the former, the heterogeneity of the arguments was considerably high, in relation to the organization's value proposition. In the latter, greater homogeneity and alignment is perceived in the discourse between the intervened agents. It is concluded that the multimodal intervention, based on the use of images, video, texts, experiences, workshops, and other narrative resources, represents an effective tool for strengthening argumentative skills. According to the scarce evidence found in the literature, which incorporates this line of argument within the topic of behavioral studies, it could be stated that the present experiment represents a novelty in the field of the discipline.
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    Impacto en la retroalimentación entre auxiliares de enfermería y gerontología usando una herramienta comportamental multimodal
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Sanabria Quiroga, Álvaro Enrique; Álvarez Henao, David; Lemos Hoyos, Mariantonia
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    Intervención comportamental para impulsar la participación en formaciones virtuales para adultos
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Hernández Arbeláez, Carolina; Pineda Varela, Laura Andrea; Correa Flórez, Sindy Lorena; Vélez Zapata, Sara
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    Promoción del primer uso de la herramienta tecnológica de autorreporte "Tú cuentas" mediante una intervención comportamental con el modelo EAST
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Forero Jaramillo, Camilo Andrés; Montoya Echeverri, Claudia Marcela; Cardona Franco, Paola Andrea; Echeverri Álvarez, Jonathan
    The adoption of technological tools in corporate environments is a challenge for organizations. This study focused on achieving the first use, as a fundamental step for the adoption of a self-report tool. An intervention based on the principles of the EAST model was used, with the objective of minimizing the intention-action gap and evaluating the impact of two messages: utility/ease and safety/group benefit. The intervention was carried out in 187 entrepreneurs, using two treatments and a control group. The results showed that the intervention had a significant impact on access to the tool. In the control group, only 29.8% of participants performed measurable actions, while in the treatment groups, 63.1% and 64.6% of participants performed such actions, respectively. The differences between the treatments and the control group were statistically significant. However, no significant differences were found between the two implemented treatments, nor in the number of self-reports between the treatments and the control group. With the above, it is concluded that the messages designed with behavioral science tools had a positive impact on access to the technological tool in the analyzed corporate environment. However, more research is required to determine whether the messages alone or modifications to the tool design have a significant effect on continued use of the tool.
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    Intervención comportamental para abordar la territorialidad de adultos mayores en el comedor de la residencia Atardeceres VID
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Peralta Vélez, Ana María; Úsuga Arcila, Gloria Carolina; Lemos Hoyos, Mariantonia
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    Intervención comportamental para aumentar el porcentaje de visitantes coagricultores a la finca de la CSA camino a la montaña-Eafit
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Vega Gutiérrez, Laura; Henao Duque, Andrea; Silva Jaramillo, Santiago
    Climate change and the entire global conversation around this phenomenon has led to the creation of a new type of activist who takes their negative emotions in the face of this problem, turns them into concrete actions and changes their ways of consumption, especially when it comes to food. Thus, he chooses an agroecological model such as the one represented by a Community that Sustains Agriculture (CSA), where the consumer becomes a co-farmer who assumes the same risks as the farmer. This model exists at EAFIT and has 27 co-farmers who support a peasant family with a monthly payment. For this CSA to work, it must comply with a series of characteristics that imply the consolidation of a community. It was found that one way to potentiate the community was by strengthening the link between farmer and co-farmer through a visit to the farm, and to achieve massive assistance, an intervention based on the MINDSPACE behavioral model was carried out, which wanted to show the farming family as the key messenger for generating feelings of closeness and familiarity; create expectations and positive emotions around the visit and generate a public commitment to attend. After the intervention, it was concluded that it was not possible to increase the percentage of co-farmers present on the farm; however, it was possible to generate the expected emotions and the messenger was the most relevant element of the intervention.
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    Intervención comportamental tipo MINDSPACE para promover prácticas de ahorro programado en jóvenes de educación media de una institución educativa en la ciudad de Medellín-Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Pantoja Arias, Johan Camilo; Flórez Álvarez, Jhonathan; Giraldo Aristizábal, Natalia; Cardona Mesa, Laura Carolina
    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the savings program among secondary education students in Medellin during 2023. The study aimed to enhance students' saving capacity, evaluate goal attainment in terms of savings in both a treatment group and a control group, determine the presence of significant differences in savings between the two groups, and analyze the influence of family support on goal attainment based on their sociodemographic and socioeconomic profiles. The results demonstrated the success of the behavioral intervention, as students were able to achieve their savings goals regardless of their economic circumstances. Moreover, the importance of family support in students' success was emphasized. These findings underscore the efficacy of the programmed saving strategy and its potential to enhance the saving capacity of secondary education students.
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    Incentivar la participación de los hombres, en el trabajo doméstico y de cuidado no remunerado, a través de acciones tipo Nudge y Boost en las normas sociales de género, para disminuir las horas que dedican las mujeres a este tipo de trabajo en Yolombó, Antioquia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Rengifo Girón, César Augusto; Martínez Londoño, Juliana
    Traditional gender stereotypes have a great impact on people's lives, dictating the expected behavior of each one depending on their sex and as pa rt of the construction of gender; As a rule, these stereotypes assign men and women the roles of provider and caregiver respectively, delegating Unpaid Domestic and Care Work (TDYCNR) to women, resulting in time shortages and greater economic dependence for them. Considering the above, this study aimed to encourage the participation of men in the TDYCNR, through boost-type actions and the use of nudges both in person and digitally. A non-experimental and qualitative design intervention based on the methodology of social norms was carried out with a group of men living in the village of La Floresta in the municipality of Yolombó, in the department of Antioquia, Colombia. The study carried out a theoretical conceptualization of the use of time by gender, gender stereotypes and irruptions of gender equality. The intervention was articulated with the Vamos Tejiendo project of the NGO Pact Colombia, who provided logistical and conceptual support through descriptive exploratory studies carried out within the community to intervene. The results obtained allow us to conclude that, once the intervention was completed, favorable receptivity was identified on the part of the men towards the messages, a desire to participate in more boost-type activities and statements indicating that the tools that were shared with them encouraged a replication of the message of equity in TDYCNR in the community.
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    Intervención comportamental para fomentar la planificación de oportunidades profesionales de estudiantes de primer semestre de la Universidad EAFIT
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Marín Alzate, Diana Marcela; Cadena Gaitán, Carlos Miguel
    Adolescence is a stage of life in which youngs begins to clarify professional identity, develope awareness of interests, and design their own life projects. These behaviors are part of the process of vocational guidance, which is positively related to academic success. Taking this into account and with the aim of reducing the negative impacts that university dropout has for social and individual well-being, this intervention promotes the design of planning strategies for opportunities by first semester students of the EAFIT University. The intervention is designed based on the model of the Behavioral Change Wheel, in which behavior change techniques are implemented in the functions of persuasion, education, training and enablement for modify the psychological capacities and reflective motivations of students to plan opportunities. A control group and two treatment groups were diagnosed with the application of a baseline and final instrument that evaluates the impact on the variables career self-efficacy and career planning.
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    Promover la atención psicológica, desde una intervención comportamental en el personal de servicios del centro de innovación del maestro (MOVA)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Giraldo García, Fabio Ernesto; Torres Cadavid, Susana
    The objective of this study was to promote psychological care, from a behavioral intervention as an effective strategy in the face of mental health difficulties presented by the service personnel of the Teacher Innovation Center (Mova). This intervention was developed with 13 people from the service area of the center. For this, an empirical conceptualization was carried out through a semi-structured interview and an ad hoc survey that was completed by the participants ex-ante and ex-post to describe the changes after the intervention. The design of the intervention was based on the empirical results and methodological framework of the EAST model. Positive variations are evident in the face of negative beliefs associated with assisting the psychologist, recognition of care routes in mental and psychological health; and the importance of psychological care in the face of some difficulties that people experience.
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    Intervención comportamental para aumentar la intención de expresar emociones en hombres de la ciudad de Medellín
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Sanclemente Pérez, Valentina; Abisaad Janna, Mariam; Lemos Hoyos, Mariantonia
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    Motivar el uso de las escaleras dentro del centro comercial SantaFé (Medellín), en las personas que tienen las capacidades físicas para hacerlo
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Góez Rodríguez, Lidys Joan; Guzmán Martínez, Sergio Esteban; Cadena-Gaitán, Carlos
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