Ricercare, Núm. 13 (2020)

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  • Ítem
    Incident in social transformation through music: social and life reivindication in the rural territory of Catambuco (Nariño)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-30) Rueda Mueses, Yully Maritza; Universidad EAFIT
    This research arose from the need to understand the meanings constructed from music as the axis of social transformation for peace in a rural context community in the department of Nariño. This social impact through music was located in the peripheries of the municipality of San Juan de Pasto called corregimientos or paths where there is direct benefit for children and youth in the community. Therefore, he identified as object of study the Association Band Guadalupana School of Music of the Catambuco district, territory located in the municipal seat of San Juan de Pasto. A case study sought to describe and analyze the impact of their musical processes on social transformation and their significant changes in this region. This investigation included three stages of execution carried out in the months of January and February of the year 2019 respectively. The aforementioned identified the importance of community action of music as a social transformer for peace, based on the construction of human values in the formation of being as a foundation, which arises in communities in the rural area. The latter is identified as a research problem necessary to contextualize the linkage of this type of musical processes that respond to specific needs of their own context, which interacts with socio-cultural dynamics constantly being thus a fundamental aspect and valuable contribution for Colombia in the construction of Peace and social transformation through music from the rural area. This social impact influenced the affective dynamics of the community benefited at personal, family and interpersonal relationships. This social impact was expressed in turn in a cultural change for this community, cradle of artistic talent.
  • Ítem
    Contributions of musical education to people with disabilities in the promotion of self-determination
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-24) Pérez Valderrama, Mónica; Corporación Universitaria Adventista
    The present article is based on the research work Música para ver: Sistematización de la experiencia (Music to see: Systematization of experience); a qualitative research, which approached the music education program Música para ver intended to unveil the subjective transformations of the participants in the city of Medellin between 2014-2016, to recognize the scope of the program and to strengthen its strategies. This research was made with 16 teenage music students with visual disabilities (VD) and their families in Medellin – Colombia, revealing the changes the participants had on the creation of their subjectivity, abilities development, life’s project, emotional bonds and transformation towards a positive concept of the disability in their families, all through music learning. This article aims to complement the conceptual referent of this research and create a record of the learnings unveiled from the research and derived from he researcher’s consideration surrounding the increase of self-determination with the musical practice of people with visual disabilities (VD). To this effect, the research briefly breaks down the characteristics and the impediments for the development of self-determined behaviors, there is an approximation to the changes in the regulations and the principles of Music Education that allows a more inclusive music classes. Ultimately, the research backs the thesis of collective musical practice encouraging the development of self-determination in people with VD.