Maestría en Gerencia de la Innovación y el Conocimiento (tesis)

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  • Ítem
    Aceleradoras corporativas exitosas (contexto latinoamericano) : análisis de los modelos, capacidades estratégicas y recursos claves, en una región con desafíos y complejidades propias. Un estudio de mercado emergente
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gómez Jiménez, Sara; Hincapie Romero, Katherine; Betancur Álvarez, José Alejandro
    This research intends to explore the corporate acceleration models of leading companies in Latin America. The study of these cases seeks to increase readers' understanding of the strategy, approach and strategic capabilities that are making these corporate accelerators successful and sustainable amid Latin American market particularities. This business research was developed under a qualitative research framework, using semi-structured interviews and secondary information such as documents, presentations, and reports of the analyzed companies. The study was divided into four fundamental phases in the research process and had a scope in the Latin American region, taking Mexico, Brazil, Chile, and Colombia as reference countries. The main results of this analysis present a general characterization of the accelerators analyzed and make an exhaustive review of their way of working with special emphasis on their main unique differentials. It is expected that these results will contribute to those corporations that want to implement their acceleration model, and also to those companies that already have an acceleration model implemented and want to reference it in order to find possible opportunities for improvement. In addition, this document contributes to knowledge generation for future research and the development of a new methodology to improve the quality of corporate acceleration models.
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    Sistematización de experiencias de conocimiento en la revisión y modificación de los planes de ordenamiento territorial en Antioquia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Torres Acevedo, Carlos Andrés; Díez Gaviria, Ana Cecilia
    The objective of this degree work is to systematize the knowledge experiences of nine representative municipal administrations of each of the subregions of Antioquia during the process of review and modification of their Territorial Ordering Plans (POT), with the purpose of contributing to the knowledge management of other municipalities that intend to start the same process; this within the framework of the review and modification of the POT in Antioquia. The subjects participating in the research exercise were the nine planning secretaries of the prioritized municipalities, under the qualitative approach and using the methodology of systematization of experiences, which allowed the analysis of the participatory processes, the knowledge acquired collectively and the results obtained during the processes. formulation of the POT. Once the experience was systematized, knowledge was consolidated, the implemented methods were identified and these aspects were interpreted to generate new knowledge. This leads to the main statements that emerged during the systematization, which are subject to continuous improvement and the inclusion of new findings, depending on their application in future POT review and adjustment work. The main results of this investigative exercise consisted of identifying key aspects of the territories, as well as rescuing lessons learned, achievements, strategies and challenges faced. From the position of systematizing the experience, the degree work focused on exploring the experiences lived by the planning secretaries during the diagnosis stage of the POT, especially in its Institutional Dimension. To do this, the prioritization criteria for the municipalities were defined, the structure of the survey and the interview were designed as tools for data construction. Subsequently, said data were ordered and classified in an Excel-type consolidation matrix, which was used to carry out the exercise of focusing and delimiting the results, based on the analyzes of the PESTAL and SWOT components. As a practical implication, the importance of strengthening the processes of systematization of experiences is highlighted, since this practice becomes a valuable tool to improve the POT review and adjustment processes, since it allows identifying lessons learned and sharing knowledge between municipalities, which which until now had not been carried out in the different previous POT review and modification exercises in Antioquia.
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    Propuesta de innovación en el modelo de negocio del producto “Nómina” de una entidad financiera colombiana
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Uribe Ortiz, Natalia; Vásquez Jiménez, Carlos Federico
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    La gamificación como elemento motivacional para influir en la intención de intercambio de conocimiento en una empresa de consumo masivo del sector de alimentos
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Toro Naranjo, Carlos Andrés; Giraldo Giraldo, Cristian Camilo; Mejía Gil, María Claudia; Giraldo Aristizábal, Juan Camilo
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    Rediseño del modelo de negocio actual de la famiempresa Distribuidora Solgranos
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Muñoz Rojas, Juliana; Franco Ruiz, Camilo
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    Modelo para los procesos de creación y consolidación de spin-off académicas a partir del caso de Tech Innovation Group (TIG)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Urrego Ramírez, Lina Marcela; Ortega Álvarez, Ana María
    Universities have an important role in society through the generation of high-value-added knowledge. One of the mechanisms for this knowledge to reach society and the market are academic spin-off companies. According to that, this work is an investigation into the development of these companies under the company builder model. Using the case study research method, it was found that to develop such companies under this model, two processes are carried out, which are creation and consolidation. Each one is made up of different stages and activities. In the process of creating academic spin-offs, the stages are alignment of expectations, definition of the opportunity and preorganization. In the consolidation process, the stages are spin-off period and sustainable returns. There are two fundamental actors in both the creation and consolidation processes, the university, and the company builder. Each one participates according to their role and capabilities. The factors that facilitate and inhibit both the creation and consolidation processes of academic spin-offs are also identified. Finally, it was concluded that the support of both the company builder and the university allowed the development of these companies.
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    Capacidades de innovación que impulsan el desempeño en startups : estudio de caso múltiple en Medellín
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Salinas Lotero, Manuela; Vásquez Jiménez, Carlos Federico
    In this degree work the concepts of startups, innovation, dynamic capabilities, innovation capabilities and organizational performance are defined, from which field work was conducted using as a data collection tool a literature review and semi-structured interviews with five companies, to analyze whether what was found in the literature is related to the interviews conducted. The above seeks to identify the innovation capabilities that drive the performance of startups in Medellin.
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    Estrategias para impulsar la adopción de tecnologías en una empresa comercial de vehículos
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Ballesteros Torres, Juan David; Ortega Álvarez, Ana María
    This analysis focuses on improving the adoption of technologies in the commercial area of new vehicles in Autolarte S.A.S. Four specific objectives are defined: characterize the available technological tools, identify causes of low adoption, define indicators to measure use and propose action plans to improve adoption progressively. Quantitative data provided by 116 individuals were collected. This data provided insights into the availability, features, and current adoption of technology tools. Causes of low adoption were evaluated and measurable indicators were established to evaluate its use. Results-based action plans and approaches were designed to train, simplify and motivate employees in the effective use of these tools. Four technological tools were identified, with key functionalities and a scope that covers the entire sales force. 20% of employees do not use these tools due to lack of training, difficulties of use and lack of incentives. Five indicators were defined to measure the use of these tools. The complete understanding of the available tools, the identification of barriers to their adoption and the definition of indicators to evaluate their use are essential to improve the adoption of technologies in Autolarte S.A.S. The proposed action plans, aimed at training, simplifying and motivating employees, are expected to drive a 20% increase in the adoption of technologies, which will translate into greater efficiency and customer satisfaction in the area of new vehicles.
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    Capacidades dinámicas basadas en conocimiento para el crecimiento Scaleup : experiencia Netux
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) González Arias, Antonio; Díez Gaviria, Ana Cecilia
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    La gestión de conocimiento entre generaciones y su relación en el fortalecimiento de una cultura organizacional
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Rodríguez Montoya, Isabel Cristina; González Miranda, Diego René
    In this research, the initial concern about the potential loss of knowledge in the production line of Oven 4 at Compañía de Galletas Noel in Medellín due to generational change was addressed. This generational shift raised the question of how it might impact the Noel de Corazón organizational culture. The primary objective of the research was to analyze knowledge management among the different generations working on this production line and its relationship with the preservation of organizational culture. To achieve this objective, a methodology was employed, which included unstructured interviews to characterize the generations present on the production line, and non-participant observation to assess how knowledge management was practically implemented. The findings from this research provided a deeper understanding of how knowledge management influences organizational culture and allowed for the formulation of recommendations and action plans to address the identified challenges. These findings are essential to ensure effective knowledge transfer between generations and to preserve the Noel de Corazón cultural identity at Compañía de Galletas Noel, thus contributing to the ongoing success of the organization in a diverse and ever-evolving workplace environment.
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    Diseño de un ecosistema de aprendizaje como habilitador estratégico : caso Dilaser
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Suanca-Restrepo, Daniela; Gamboa Urrego, Alejandro
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    Los determinantes individuales en la gestión de la innovación : una perspectiva integradora del individuo para la generación de capacidades de innovación
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Burgos Vélez, Julián Andrés; Vásquez Jiménez, Carlos Federico
    Due to the increasing relevance of innovation capabilities within the organizational strategy, it is of utmost relevance to understand the dynamics of its management, not only from the perspective of the organization, but also from the perspective of the individual who actively participates. This study is based on the microfoundations approach to build a bridge that allows to approach the individual in relation to the organizational collective, through the individual determinants that participate in the generation of innovation capabilities. Thus, in this study a methodological design was applied in which the main individual determinants for the generation of innovation capabilities were identified through a systematic literature review. The research focused on one of these determinants: creative behavior. In addition, a survey was applied to determine the assessment of the organizational creative climate and a test of divergent thinking in a sample of employees in the areas of product development and commercial offerings of Tigo, a telecommunications company with operations in Colombia and eight other Latin American countries. Finally, the results were analyzed considering the reports and indicators of the TigoLab program, from which innovation initiatives are mobilized within the company from 2019 to date. The results allowed recognizing the main individual determinants for the establishment of routines for the development of organizational capabilities. In addition, the application of these determinants in the company's innovation management model was explored for the mobilization of creative ideas towards strategic initiatives and projects in the company through the TigoLab program. In short, this research identified the role of creative behavior as an individual determinant in the generation of organizational capabilities through elements such as access to knowledge and information, leadership, risk taking, recognition of the presentation of novel ideas and communication of the results of innovation initiatives. This study contributes to the current body of knowledge on the role of the creative individual in the generation of organizational capabilities for innovation.
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    Movilización y apropiación social del conocimiento para el desarrollo rural : “una mirada desde la práctica de los maestros rurales”
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Morales Trujillo, Jesús de los Santos; Díez Gaviria, Ana Cecilia
    ABSTRACT This work presents the conditions that enable knowledge flows in rural educational contexts. Specifically, its main objective is to widen the understanding, in the field of management, of the knowledge flows occurring between Fundación Secretos para contar and the rural educational communities that take part in the program Alianza ERA (Rural Education for Antioquia), and thereby propose a categorical system for the mobilization and social appropriation of this knowledge in rural communities. Conceptually, this documented investigation is based on the constructs of practice and social mobilization and appropriation of knowledge for rural development. Methodologically it is centred in a qualitative method that follows the characteristics of qualitative social research, which has implied an experiential field approach with the open and reflective participation of rural teachers. The results show how the Alianza ERA program mobilizes knowledge, which is transferred to the educational community when translated into narratives that forge good teacher practices and, through these, the social appropriation of knowledge is materialized in various social agents. This work has practical implications, since it helps to understand elements of teaching practice that contribute to the mobilization and social appropriation of knowledge in rural contexts; however, it is limited to the particular experience of the ERA program and Fundación Secretos para contar, and is therefore not intended to be generalized.
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