Aguilar Barrientos, Sara Cristina2014-07-112013658.049CD O839 paper presents an extended Literature Review about the management of communications in Multinational Corporations, specifically in knowledge sharing between the headquarters and the subsidiaries, an issue that remains a deep challenge to international business due to the uniqueness of cultural values within the exchange of information, and the improvements that a company implements through the interchange of knowledge (Rodrigues, 2009) -- Today, companies adapt to change, nor only because of the determinant role of communications due to the information technology revolution (Kalla, 2006) but to face the challenges that the international market sets, specifically in the decisive role of knowledge management as the firm’s competitive advantage to create and innovate services and products (Carlsson, 2003)spaInvestigación en Negocios InternacionalesEmpresas MultinacionalesComunicación OrganizacionalTesis. Maestría en Negocios InternacionalesGestión del ConocimientoExtended literature review about managing communication in a MNC for knowledge sharing between the headquarters and the subsidiariesmasterThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCOMUNICACIÓN ORGANIZACIONALTRABAJO EN EQUIPOINNOVACIONES TECNOLÓGICASADMINISTRACIÓN DEL CONOCIMIENTOAPRENDIZAJE ORGANIZACIONALCAPITAL INTELECTUALTECNOLOGÍA DE LA INFORMACIÓNTRANSFERENCIA DE INFORMACIÓNEMPRESAS INTERNACIONALESCommunication in organizationsTechnological innovationsKnowledge managementOrganizational learningIntellectual capitalInformation technologyInformation transferInternational business enterprisesAcceso abierto2014-07-11Ospina D´Alleman, Sandra Milena