2015-02-202013-06-24Mejía-Gutiérrez and D. Zuluaga-Holguin. “Design of an electrical power assist kit for manual wheelchair under developing countries conditions" in proceedings of the ICE & IEEE-ITMC 2013 Conference on responsible innovation and entrepreneurship. The Hague, The Netherlands. June 24-26 (2013)http://hdl.handle.net/10784/5017Electric mobility has become an important issue worldwide; proof of this is that all the transportation areas are tending towards a green approach for their business by using renewable energies -- In parallel form, mobility for disabled people is a global concern right now, specifically how to improve the independency and raise the standard of living of people in this situation -- Electric mobility solutions have provided an important advance in the independency of patients -- However, as occurs with emerging technologies the price is quite high, especially for developing countries such as Colombia -- This work presents the design of an electric power kit for manual wheelchair, with the aim of making it adaptable for different wheelchair brands available in the Colombian marketengDesign of an electrical power assist kit for manual wheelchair under the conditions of developing countriesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/conferencePaperinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessSILLAS DE RUEDASPERSONAS CON DISCAPACIDADES FÍSICASINNOVACIONES TECNOLÓGICASDISEÑO DE PRODUCTOSENERGÍA EÓLICAENERGÍA SOLARINGENIERÍA BIOMÉDICAMEDICINA FÍSICAWheelchairsPhysically handicappedTechnological innovationsWind powerSolar energyBiomedical engineeringMedicine, PhysicalArquitectura urbanaMovilidad espacialMovilidad eléctricaSilla de ruedas eléctricaAcceso cerrado2015-02-20Mejía Gutiérrez, RicardoZuluaga Holguín, Daniel