Guo, Bing2018-07-162018 collect information about how financial factors affects innovation in a company, we focus on papers that have studied how innovation, measure by patents granted to a firm and non-self citations of those patents, is affected when a company goes public, when the stock present high liquidity and if the type of investors play an important role -- Also we study, if laws and regulation regarding credit supply and anti takeover laws impacts innovationspaInnovaciónInnovación empresarialAccounting reporting decisions and firms' innovativenessmasterThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEMPRESAS PRIVADASEMPRESAS ESTATALESINVESTIGACIÓN Y DESARROLLOPATENTESMEDICIÓNPrivate companiesGovernment business enterprisesResearch and developmentPatentsMensurationAcceso abierto2018-07-16Gómez Ávila, MathiusPedraza Orjuela, María Victoria