Trefftz Gómez, Helmuth2015-03-022014690.028CDC265C the Colombian construction industry it is recognized as a general practice that di!erent designers deliver 2D drawings to the project construction team -- Some 3D modeling applications are used but only with commercial intentions, thus wasting visualization tools that facilitate the understanding of the project, that allow the coordination of plans between di!erent specialists, and that can prevent errors with high impact on costs in the construction phase of the project -- As a continuation of the project "immersive virtual reality for construction" developed by EAFIT University, the present work intends to demonstrate how a collaborative virtual environment can be helpful in order to improve visualization of construction projects and achieve the interaction of di!erent specialties, evaluating the impact of collaborative work in the design process of the same -- The end result of this research is an application created using freely available tools and a use case scenario on how this application can be used to perform review meetings by di!erent specialist in real time -- Initial test on the system has been made with civil engineering students showing that this virtual reality tool ease the burden of performing reviews where traditionally plans and sharing the same geographical space were neededspaRealidad Virtual InmersivaBIMRealidad Virtual DistribuidaEntorno colaborativoEntorno VirtualComunidades VirtualesCollaborative visualization and virtual reality in construction projectsmasterThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessSEGURIDAD INDUSTRIALINDUSTRIA DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓNDISEÑO DE PRODUCTOSREALIDAD VIRTUALTECNOLOGÍA DE LA INFORMACIÓNMODELADOSIMULACIÓN POR COMPUTADORESDISEÑO CON AYUDA DE COMPUTADORINDUSTRIA DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN - AUTOMATIZACIÓNIndustrial safetyConstruction industryVirtual realityInformation technologyModelingComputer simulationComputer-aided DesignConstruction industries - AutomationAcceso abierto2015-03-02Cárcamo Zuluaga, Juan Gonzalo