2019-11-292014-06-102539-12081794-5887http://hdl.handle.net/10784/14892Do the Humanities have a future? Is there a place for the study of literature, of art, of language and of philosophy in a world progressively dominated by an economic logic of profit and loss? What possible purpose can such disciplines fulfill in the faceDo the Humanities have a future? Is there a place for the study of literature, of art, of language and of philosophy in a world progressively dominated by an economic logic of profit and loss? What possible purpose can such disciplines fulfill in the facetext/htmlspaCopyright (c) 2014 Samuel WeberHumanitiesUniversityRepetitionExperimentingThe Future of the Humanities: ExperimentingEl futuro de las humanidades: Experimentandoarticleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessHumanitiesUniversityRepetitionExperimentingAcceso abierto2019-11-29Weber, Samuel10.17230/co-herencia.11.20.1