2021-03-262008-03-170277786X1996756XWOS;000258064600009SCOPUS;2-s2.0-43249086331http://hdl.handle.net/10784/27423The threshold theorem of an epidemic SIR model was compared when infectious and susceptible individuals have homogeneous mixing and heterogeneous social status and when individuals of random networks have contact heterogeneity. Particularly the effect of vaccination in such models is considered when: individuals or nodes are exposed to impoverished, vaccination and loss of immunity. An equilibrium analysis and local stability of small perturbations about the equilibrium values were implemented using computer algebra. Numerical simulations were executed in order to describe the dynamic of transmission of diseases and changes of the basic reproductive rate. The implications of these results are examined around the threats to the global public health security.enghttps://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/issn/0277-786XThe epidemic threshold theorem with social and contact heterogeneityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/conferencePaperComputer simulationDiseasesEpidemiologyMathematical modelsPerturbation techniquesSecurity of dataSocial aspectsBasic reproductive rateComputer algebraRandom networksRouth-Hurwitz theoremThreshold theoremTheorem proving2021-03-26Palacio, D.H.Giraldo, J.O.Arias, R.D.G.10.1117/12.777420