Lalinde Pulido, Juan Guillermo2012-10-292012-10-292010 P.Literature about Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), shows their tasks have been studied enough and are clearly defined to monitor and analyze events, looking for evidence that indicate the presence of intruders[12]. When the purpose is to implement an IDS in a Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), the first things that are advertised are the lack of a defense line and physical borders and the limited resources of the devices.Contenido parcial: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks -- Architecture of intrusion detection systems in mobile ad hoc networks -- Distributed algorithms for leader election -- Distributed algorithms to find the central point in a network -- Algorithm for the leader node selection.engTrabajo intelectual. Universidad EAFITTesis. Maestría en IngenieríaRedes móviles inalámbricasSeguridad en redes de computadorasComputer programming, programs, dataData securityNodes selection algorithm for the implementation of an intrusion detection system in a mobile ad hoc networkinfo:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessSEGURIDAD EN BASES DE DATOSDESARROLLO DE PROGRAMAS PARA COMPUTADORCIFRADO DE DATOS (INFORMATICA)COMPUTADORES - CONTROL DE ACCESOIntellectual work. Universidad EAFITThesis. Master's Degree in EngineeringWireless mobile networksSecurity in computer networks005.8 V436Acceso abierto2012-10-29Vélez Granada, Diana Patricia