2021-02-192020-11-111794-9165http://hdl.handle.net/10784/25810This paper presents the answer to the cybersecurity challenges faced by the centralization of the electric power generation control in the second company of this type in Colombia. Likewise, it describes the main cybersecurity practices that were investigated, analyzed and implemented to establish and maintain a safe environment for operations, which allow facing the risks of cyberattacks on this essential service to the society. It presents the methodologies and technical measures that should have been considered in the different stages of the project to prevent cyberattacks from being effective, to identify them in a timely manner and to achieve the resilience of the supervision and control systems that were used and tested in this environment. It also shows how these results were used as a contribution to the evolution of Colombian national electric sector regulations on the subject and how they can serve as a basis for improvements to regulation and cybersecurity for other agents in the electricity sector in the country and the region.This paper presents the answer to the cybersecurity challenges faced by the centralization of the electric power generation control in the second company of this type in Colombia. Likewise, it describes the main cybersecurity practices that were investigated, analyzed and implemented to establish and maintain a safe environment for operations, which allow facing the risks of cyberattacks on this essential service to the society. It presents the methodologies and technical measures that should have been considered in the different stages of the project to prevent cyberattacks from being effective, to identify them in a timely manner and to achieve the resilience of the supervision and control systems that were used and tested in this environment. It also shows how these results were used as a contribution to the evolution of Colombian national electric sector regulations on the subject and how they can serve as a basis for improvements to regulation and cybersecurity for other agents in the electricity sector in the country and the region.Este artículo presenta repuesta a los retos de ciberseguridad enfrentadospara la centralización del control de generación de energía eléctrica enla segunda empresa de este tipo en Colombia. Así mismo, se describenlas principales prácticas de ciberseguridad que se investigaron, analizarone implementaron para establecer y mantener un entorno seguro deoperaciones, que permita solucionar los riesgos de ciberataques a esteservicio esencial para la sociedad; así como las metodologías y medidastécnicas que debieron tenerse en cuenta en las diferentes etapas delproyecto para evitar que los ciberataques sean efectivos, para identificarlosoportunamente y para lograr la resiliencia de los sistemas de supervisióny control que fueron empleados y probados en este entorno. También,muestra cómo estos resultados fueron usados para aportar a la evoluciónde la normatividad nacional en la materia y como podrán servir de basepara mejoras a la regulación y la ciberseguridad de otros agentes delsector eléctrico en el país y la región.application/pdfspainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCopyright © 2020 Diego ZuluagaCybersecurity for Centralized and Distributed Power Generation at ISAGENCiberseguridad para la operacióncentralizada y distribuida de generación deenergía eléctrica en ISAGENarticleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCybersecuritycentralize electric power controlpower generation cybersecurityindustrial cybersecuritycritical infrastructure cybersecurityISO/IEC 27002Acceso abierto2021-02-19Zuluaga, Diego