2021-03-262006-05-120277786X1996756XWOS;000239229500033SCOPUS;2-s2.0-33747372843http://hdl.handle.net/10784/27403Using Computer Algebra Software (Mathematica and Maple), the recently introduced topic of Yang-Baxterization applied to quantum computing, is explored from the mathematical and computational views. Some algorithms of computer algebra were elaborated with the aim to make the calculations to obtain some of results that were originally presented in the paper by Shang-Kauffman-Ge. Also certain new results about computational Yang-baxterization are presented. We obtain some Hamiltonians for hypothetical physical systems which can be realized within the domain of spin chains and certain diffusion process. We conclude that it is possible to have real physical systems on which implement, via Yang-baxterization, the standard quantum gates with topological protection. Finally some lines for future research are deligned.enghttps://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/issn/0277-786XUsing computer algebra for Yang-Baxterization applied to quantum computinginfo:eu-repo/semantics/conferencePaperAlgorithmsComputation theoryComputer softwareDiffusionHamiltoniansQuantum theoryComputer algebraSpin ChainUniversal Quantum GateYang-Baxter EquationYang-BaxterizationBoolean algebra2021-03-26Velez, MarioOspina, Juan10.1117/12.666115