2015-02-202011-07-09D. Rios-Zapata, G. Osorio-Gómez and R. Mejía-Gutiérrez “Development of lectures on computer tools for postgraduate studies in design engineering oriented to Colombian industry needs” In proceedings of the International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE 2011). Rhodes, Greece. July 07-09, (2011)http://hdl.handle.net/10784/5013The impact of computer tools in how products are being designed has become an important point in implementing new technologies at industrial level -- Moreover,in a developing country, the implementation of new technologies is a must in order to be competitive worldwide -- According to needs and limitations of the local industry, new engineers are required to be prepared in the use of these computer tools, guaranteeing employability and versatility and adaptability to relevant computer tools -- Here, a series of academic engineering lectures focused in teaching different computer tools throughout product life cycle and based on needs and limitations of local industry will be explained for a Colombian postgraduate programmeengDevelopment of lectures on computer tools for postgraduate studies in design engineering oriented to Colombian industry needsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/conferencePaperinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessINNOVACIONES TECNOLÓGICASCOMPETITIVIDADCICLO DE VIDA DE LOS PRODUCTOSTRABAJO EN EQUIPOINGENIERÍA DE SOFTWARELENGUAJES DE PROGRAMACIÓNDIBUJO TÉCNICOMEJORAMIENTO DE PROCESOSTechnological innovationsCompetitivenessProduct life cycleSoftware engineeringProgramming languages (electronic computers)Mechanical drawingProcess improvementSoftware de código abiertoIndustria ColombianaAcceso cerrado2015-02-20Ríos Zapata, DavidMejía Gutiérrez, RicardoOsorio Gómez, Gilberto