2015-02-202012-03-07G. Osorio-Gomez, R. Mejia-Gutierrez and D. Rios-Zapata "A computer tools classification based on collaborative engineering environments and its value on education" in proceedings of the 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2012). Valencia, Spain. March 05-07 (2012). ISBN: 978-84-615-5563-5978-84-615-5563-5http://hdl.handle.net/10784/5010Computer tools usage has dramatically changed the working practice of design engineers, even from early stages of the product design and development process, offering new and more efficient ways to reduce costs and lead time and to obtain better products -- Furthermore, computer science advances have driven the development of new informatics solutions supporting different areas of knowledge, changing the way of doing things and demanding new learning strategies -- In order to accomplish all these objectives, the authors propose a new computer tools classification centred on both specifics areas of knowledge and different stages of the design process -- Related to product design engineering knowledge, there are some classifications focused on sorting tools to fulfil specific design aspects such as concurrent engineering or product life-cycle management (PLM) -- However, none of the current classifications are focused to find and to categorize computer tools for each design stage of the product life cycle, starting from early product design stages, such as need identification, to final design stages, such as recycling and disposal -- In the same manner, it is important to differentiate which technologies allow and support collaborative and distributed work -- This document presents a computer tools classification oriented to product design engineering processes, including all product life cycle stages, and based on collaborative product design (CPD) and concurrent engineering principles, applied by local industries and taught at Universities -- Besides, this has conducted to the generation of a new proposal for academic lectures for engineering postgraduate programs, focused on teaching different computer tools throughout product life cycle and related to specific capacities, information and results -- Besides, some research has been conducted in order to consider the needs of the industrial sector in Colombia and to filter the different available tools -- In this way, the students are more aware of the utility of the toolsengA computer tools classification based on collaborative engineering environments and its value on educationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/conferencePaperinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessDISEÑO DE PRODUCTOSCICLO DE VIDA DE LOS PRODUCTOSTRABAJO EN GRUPOS ( EDUCACIÓN)DESARROLLO DE PRODUCTOSDISEÑO EN INGENIERÍADISEÑO INDUSTRIALDESARROLLO DE PROCESOSProduct life cycleGroup work in educationProduct developmentEngineering designDesign, industrialProcess developmentIngeniería ConcurrenteGestión del ciclo de vida del producto (PLM)Acceso cerrado2015-02-20Osorio Gómez, GilbertoMejía Gutiérrez, RicardoRíos Zapata, David