Vallejo Correa, Paola Andrea2020-09-152020 Learning(GBL)integrate games into teaching through repetition,failure,and accomplishment of goals. GBL goes beyond fun; it is a strategy to motivate students to discover, immerse them in the study material playfully and dynamically, so they learn more effectively, and encourage them to learn from their mistakes. This approach has become increasingly popular as a way to engagestudentsinlearningand motivate them to perform educational activities. One of the contexts of application of GBL is music education,where advances in technology reduce the complexity associated with the process of learning and mastering musical instrument. This paper presents an experiment conducted to determine the effects on learning and motivation when students use GBL for practicing music intervals. Music students aged from 17 to 22 thattookpartinthe experiment were divided into two groups.One Group Practice Dusingadigitaltool,and other group practice utilizing a video game. No significant difference was found in terms of learning between the two groups. Nevertheless, students practicing with the video game were more motivated than students using the digital tool.application/pdfspaTodos los derechos reservadosAprendizaje basado en juegosIntervalos musicalesEntrenamiento del oídoRepetición en educaciónLúdicaGame-based learning approach for practicing melodic musical intervals using a musical instrumentmasterThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAPRENDIZAJEADMINISTRACIÓN DEL CONOCIMIENTOAPRENDIZAJE PERCEPTIVOESTIMULACIÓN SENSORIALMÚSICA - ENSEÑANZAMOTIVACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓNGame-based learningMusical intervalsEar trainingLearning motivationAcceso abierto2020-09-15Escobar Marín, Lina María371.337 E746