2021-03-232016-04-190124582123897333WOS;000378344300005http://hdl.handle.net/10784/27021In this article a curricular guide to progress in the levels of understanding is presented, a summary of the characterization of the understanding performed for each of the participants and the evolution of the evaluation rubric called Descriptors of Category by Level, which objective was to help three students of rural zones of a municipality of Antioquia (Colombia), in the analysis of the understanding of the geometrical concepts of perimeter and area and the independence of their measures within the context of the agriculture of coffee. In order to present this situation the theoretical framework, the subject background and the methodology are showed. Finally, some fragments of the analysis of the understanding of the participants and the final version of the rubric are published, which is preceded by a short summary of the moments occurred before making it.enghttps://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/issn/0124-5821Coffee agricultureAreaTeaching for understandingPerimeterA Curricular Guide to Understand Some Geometrical Concepts on the Context of the Coffeearticle2021-03-23Gonzalez Molina, Juan DavidSanta Ramirez, Zaida MargotLondono Cano, Rene Alejandro