2021-04-122017-01-0124146390SCOPUS;2-s2.0-85046262619http://hdl.handle.net/10784/28528One of the areas that requires greater attention within a company, it is the one responsible for the management of inventories, which are considered as a current asset that will affect positively or negatively the competitiveness of any organization. This is one of the reasons why in the courses of Logistics Management the issue of inventory management is very important, since it seeks to develop in students the ability to improve the decision-making process to define the quantity and the frequency of the orders of every stock keeping unit (skus). This article presents InCyTo (Inventory Cycle Simulation Tool), a tool designed and developed in Excel VBA® (Visual Basic for Applications), whose objective is to support the teaching-learning process of the topic of cycle inventory where the student will be able to test from the experimentation how the quantity and frequency of the orders affect the costs and the service, levels as well as to be able to understand and put into practice the concepts of the economic order quantity of the order, all through an active learning approach. © 2017 Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions. All rights reserved.engLatin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering InstitutionsInCyTo: Herramienta para la enseñanza del inventario de ciclo en cursos de Gestión LogísticaConference PaperCycle inventoryDecision makingEconomic order quantityInventory management2021-04-12Castro Zuluaga C.A.Mendoza Vásquez C.Gallego Roch L.10.18687/LACCEI2017.1.1.309