2021-03-262005-01-010277786X1996756XWOS;000231558600025http://hdl.handle.net/10784/27410The term `hypermachine' denotes any data processing device (theoretical or that can be implemented) capable of carrying out tasks that cannot be performed by a Turing machine. We present a possible quantum algorithm for a classically non-computable decision problem, Hilbert's tenth problem; more specifically, we present a possible hypercomputation model based on quantum computation. Our algorithm is inspired by the one proposed by Tien D. Kieu, but we have selected the infinite square well instead of the (one-dimensional) simple harmonic oscillator as the underlying physical system. Our model exploits the quantum adiabatic process and the characteristics of the representation of the dynamical Lie algebra su(1, 1) associated to the infinite square well.enghttps://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/issn/0277-786XA possible hypercomputational quantum algorithminfo:eu-repo/semantics/conferencePaperhypercomputationcomputabilityadiabatic quantum computationinfinite square welldynamical Lie algebra su(1,1)Hilbert's tenth problem2021-03-26Sicard, AVelez, MOspina, J10.1117/12.602254