2015-02-202014-05-09ARRIETA-POSADA. Juan. GIRALDO. Emerson (2014) Lean Healthcare: A look through its tools, an approach from the literature. Proceedings of 25th Annual Production Operations Management Society (POMS) Conference. Atlanta, Ge, USA. May 9– 12th, 2014.http://hdl.handle.net/10784/4999This paper presents generalities of Lean manufacturing and applications in Healthcare organizations -- A review of the literature was done, identifying applications of Lean tools in this sector -- A questionnaire is going to be developed to be applied in different healthcare institutions in Medellin Colombia, with the objective to make comparisons with the literature reviewThis paper presents generalities of Lean manufacturing and applications in Healthcare organizations -- A review of the literature was done, identifying applications of Lean tools in this sector -- A questionnaire is going to be developed to be applied in different healthcare institutions in Medellin Colombia, with the objective to make comparisons with the literature reviewengLean Health Care, a look through its tools, an approach from the literatureinfo:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObjectinfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccessMEJORAMIENTO DE PROCESOSESTANDARIZACIÓNADMINISTRACIÓN DE SERVICIOS DE SALUDPLANIFICACIÓN DE LA SALUDADMINISTRACIÓN DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMACIÓNJUSTO A TIEMPO (SISTEMA DE MANUFACTURA)HOSPITALESProcess improvementStandardizationHealth services administrationHealth planningInformation systems administrationJust-in-time (manufacturing system)HospitalsManufactura EsbeltaAcceso restringido2015-02-20Arrieta-Posada, Juan GregorioGiraldo Betancur, Emerson Andrés