2016-11-182012-07@CONFERENCE{Oyarzun2012, author={Oyarzun, D. and Del Pozo, A. and Congote, J.E. and Olaizola, I.G. and Sainz, I. and Leturia, I. and Arregi, X. and Ruiz, O.}, title={Advanced HCI and 3D web over low performance devices}, journal={CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, year={2012}, volume={869}, page_count={2}, note={cited By (since 1996)0}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84891947134&partnerID=40&md5=e9e81bbae0245be4fbf364b0a0148ee5}, document_type={Conference Paper}, source={Scopus}, }1613-0073http://hdl.handle.net/10784/9699This position paper presents the authors’ goals on advanced human computer interaction and 3D Web -- Previous work on speech, natural language processing and visual technologies has achieved the development of the BerbaTek language learning demonstrator, a 3D virtual tutor that supports Basque language students through spoken interaction -- Next steps consist on migrating all the system to multidevice web technologies -- This paper shows the architecture defined and the steps to be performed in the next monthsapplication/pdfengAdvanced HCI and 3D Web over Low performance Devicesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/conferencePaperinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessINTERACCIÓN HOMBRE - COMPUTADORSISTEMAS DE REPRESENTACIÓN TRIDIMENSIONALTECNOLOGÍA DE LA INFORMACIÓNTUTORESINTERFACES GRÁFICAS CON EL USUARIOENSEÑANZA CON AYUDA DE COMPUTADORESLENGUAJES NATURALESDESARROLLO DE PROTOTIPOSHuman-computer interactionThree-dimensional display systemsInformation technologyTutorsGraphical user interfaces (computer systems)Computer-assisted instructionPrototype developmentNatural languagesWebGL (Web Graphics Library)Berba Tek (Industria de las Lenguas)AvatarAcceso abierto2016-11-18Oyarzun, DavidDel Pozo, ArantzaCongote, John EdgarOlaizola, Igor G.Sainz, IñakiLeturia, IgorArregi, XabierRuíz, Óscar