2020-10-232012-11-012322-8687http://hdl.handle.net/10784/24228Ferney Llano is a history student and has been a workshopist at EAFIT Children's University since 2010. In the encounter, how do planes fly? he was one of the workshopists of Living Classrooms -he directed the activities designed for children and young people in specialized classrooms of the University; in this case the hydraulics lab. Ferney talks about this experience here.Ferney Llano habla de su experiencia como tallerista de la Universidad de los niños EAFITapplication/pdfspaCopyright (c) 2012 Fernay Llano ToroLooking Outwards and InwardsMirar y mirarsearticleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEAFIT Children's UniversityQuestionsworkshopsexperienceaccountschool teacherExpeditions to KnowledgeTransformacióntestimoniosparticipantesUniversidad de los NiñosexperiencianiñosjóvenesmediadorestalleristasAcceso abierto2020-10-23Llano Toro, Ferney