2019-12-022012-12-132539-12081794-5887http://hdl.handle.net/10784/14949In La nave de los locos, the proposed signals surrounding the topic of a ship collecting mad people, which represents a mental hospital space, concentration camps, or dictatorships, highlights their abandonment and deprivation from society and its fundameIn La nave de los locos, the proposed signals surrounding the topic of a ship collecting mad people, which represents a mental hospital space, concentration camps, or dictatorships, highlights their abandonment and deprivation from society and its fundametext/htmlspaCopyright (c) 2012 Juan D. Cid HidalgoMigración humanaExpatriaciónNómadaNomadismoCiudadExilioLocuraConocimientoPoderLa nave de los locosPeri RossiCristinaExile and migration in La nave de los locos, by Cristina Peri Rossi : a journey to others’ spacesExilio y migración en La nave de los locos de Cristina Peri Rossi : un viaje por los espacios otrosarticleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessHuman MigrationExpatriationNomadNomadismCityExileMadnessKnowledgePowerLa nave de los locosPeri RossiCristinaAcceso abierto2019-12-02Cid Hidalgo, Juan D10.17230/co-herencia.9.17.3