2014-12-122014-03-27Lina M. Agudelo, Ricardo Mejía-Gutiérrez, Jean Pierre Nadeau, Jerome Pailhes “Environmental uncertainty fuzzy analysis in early stages of the design process”. In Proceedings of the Virtual Concept International workshop (VC-IW’14) in Innovation in Product Design and Manufacture. Mars 26-27 (2014). ISBN: 978-2-9548927-0-2978-2-9548927-0-2http://hdl.handle.net/10784/4567Reduce environmental imprecision since early stages of the design process with the application of fuzzy logic in order to measure impacts according to environmental inputs -- The fuzzy logic has been useful to compare products with the same material; otherwise, it can’t be compared -- Therefore, it will be meaningful to suit the tool to multicomponent product variables -- The aim was to obtain environmental impact estimates since the beginning of the design process to avoid evaluations of environmental impact until the materialization stage -- This will avoid iterative steps within the design process with a low environmental impact scopeengEnvironmental uncertainty fuzzy analysis in early stages of the design processinfo:eu-repo/semantics/conferencePaperinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessDISEÑO DE PRODUCTOSLÓGICA DIFUSACICLO DE VIDA DE LOS PRODUCTOSPRODUCTOS ECOLÓGICOSPLANIFICACIÓN DE LA PRODUCCIÓNINCERTIDUMBRE (ECONOMÍA)MÉTODOS ITERATIVOS - MATEMÁTICASIMPACTO AMBIENTALenviromental impactProduct life cycleGreen productsProduction planningUncertaintyIterative methods (mathematics)Acceso cerrado2014-12-12Mejía Gutiérrez, RicardoAgudelo Gutiérrez, Lina MaríaNadeau, Jean PierrePailhes, Jérome