2021-03-042017-05-301756538317565391PUBMED;28276641SCOPUS;2-s2.0-85019982051http://hdl.handle.net/10784/26318Objective: The treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis is toxic, has contraindications, and a high cost. The objective of this study was to estimate the cost-effectiveness of thermotherapy versus pentavalent antimonials for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Methods: Effectiveness was the proportion of healing and safety with the adverse effects; these parameters were estimated from a controlled clinical trial and a meta-analysis. A standard costing was conducted. Average and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were estimated. The uncertainty regarding effectiveness, safety, and costs was determined through sensitivity analyses. Results: The total costs were $66,807 with Glucantime and $14,079 with thermotherapy. The therapeutic effectiveness rates were 64.2% for thermotherapy and 85.1% for Glucantime. The average cost-effectiveness ratios ranged between $721 and $1275 for Glucantime and between $187 and $390 for thermotherapy. Based on the meta-analysis, thermotherapy may be a dominant strategy. Conclusion: The excellent cost-effectiveness ratio of thermotherapy shows the relevance of its inclusion in guidelines for the treatment. © 2017 Chinese Cochrane Center, West China Hospital of Sichuan University and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltdenghttps://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/issn/1756-5383Cost-effectiveness analysis of thermotherapy versus pentavalent antimonials for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasisarticleantimony derivativeantiprotozoal agentmeglumine antimonatestibogluconate sodiumantiprotozoal agentArticleclinical effectivenessColombiacontrolled clinical trial (topic)cost effectiveness analysisdrug costdrug efficacydrug safetyhealinghealth care costhumanmajor clinical studymeta analysis (topic)patient safetypriority journalsensitivity analysisskin leishmaniasisthermotherapyuncertaintycost benefit analysiseconomicsskin leishmaniasisthermotherapyAntiprotozoal AgentsCost-Benefit AnalysisDrug CostsHumansHyperthermiaInducedLeishmaniasisCutaneousUncertainty2021-03-04Cardona-Arias JALópez-Carvajal LTamayo Plata MPDarío-Vélez I10.1111/jebm.12245