2021-03-232014-06-0115480992WOS;000341576900035SCOPUS;2-s2.0-84905744362http://hdl.handle.net/10784/27110Determining if there is enough bandwidth to allow admit a new flow into a wireless network is a complex task. To solve this problem, various methods have been proposed for estimating bandwidth. We study through simulations the performance of a new algorithm that has theoretical guarantees to correctly determine the available bandwidth without disturbing other flows that are currently being served. Specifically, we studied how the selection of the algorithm parameters affect its speed of convergence and accuracy of the estimates of available bandwidth. The results confirm the theoretical results and are used to determine the best parameters for rapid convergence with minimal estimation error. © 2012 IEEE.spahttps://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/issn/1548-0992Performance study of an admission controller for wireless networksarticleAccess controlEstimationWireless networksAdmission controllersAlgorithm parametersAvailable bandwidthEstimation errorsPerformance studyRapid convergenceSpeed of convergenceTheoretical guaranteesBandwidth2021-03-23Giraldo, D.Jaramillo, J. J.10.1109/TLA.2014.6868885