2021-03-232016-05-010124582123897333WOS;000378344300004http://hdl.handle.net/10784/27020The distance-virtual learning is a field that permanently transforms itself and allows the creation of new educational programs in different fields of knowledge and educational levels. In this sense currently is conducted a research called ``Interaction Processes for Producing Mathematical Knowledge in a Student Group with Media in Virtual Distance Learning'', aimed at educating a PhD student and contributing to this field with theoretical and methodological perspectives in Mathematical Education in the context of the program of virtual education called Ude@,through a study of qualitative-approach cases. This article deals with some analysis, reflections and significant characteristics of the teaching-learning processes of mathematics in this type of virtual environments, through the proposal of strategies that identify those interaction processes that allow producing mathematical knowledge in virtual-distance-education courses.enghttps://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/issn/0124-5821Virtual distance educationInteraction processesMathematical knowledge productionDistance-Virtual Education: Development and Characteristics in Mathematics Coursesarticle2021-03-23Sucerquia Vega, Edison AlbertoLondono Cano, Rene AlejandroJaramillo Lopez, Carlos Mariode Carvalho Borba, Marcelo