2021-01-282020-07-012145-455801244639WOS;000566740800007http://hdl.handle.net/10784/25419The entrepreneur and social entrepreneurship as research topics in Latin America are still in an initial stage, and there is no consensus about its conceptualization. For this reason, this work aims to analyze the concepts of entrepreneur and social entrepreneurship, in order to serve as a reference for further studies and provide greater understanding of this phenomenon. The method used was a documentary research, carrying out a literature review of research papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. The main findings allow identifying the main variables contained in both concepts, which are useful for future research.spahttps://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/issn/0124-4639An Approach to the Concepts of Entrepreneurship and Social Entrepreneurshipinfo:eu-repo/semantics/articleSocial entrepreneursocial entrepreneurshipsocial enterprise2021-01-28Saavedra Garcia, Maria LuisaCamarena Adame, Maria ElenaVargas Saenz, Mario Enrique10.12804/revistas.urosario.edu.co/empresa/a.7976