Universidad del Tolima2024-02-1620231794-58872539-1186https://hdl.handle.net/10784/33370The objective of this article is to elucidate the context, content, and general purpose of the criticisms that Agnes Heller (1929-2019) raised about the philosophies of history. For this purpose, and summarizing some of the general postulates raised by them, we highlight how, regarding the political context in which he lived, Heller, like other thinkers, turned his gaze towards these philosophies in order to scrutinize the links that, to in his opinion, they were woven between these and the totalitarian regimes that were forged during the 20th century. In this regard, we argue that the reflections that the author presented on the subject, emanating from both her hard intellectual work and her personal experience, were not only aimed at showing the erroneous assumptions of the philosophies of history, but, by realizing of the harmful effects that arose from the instrumentalization that the aforementioned regimes, and especially the Soviet communist regime, made of them, were directed towards the elaboration of a conception of history that, moving away from all teleological, linear and deterministic considerations, was consolidated in a suggestive ethical proposal.Este artículo tiene el objetivo de dilucidar el contexto, contenido y propósito general de las críticas que Agnes Heller (1929-2019) planteó sobre las filosofías de la historia. Para tal efecto, se revisan algunos de los postulados de estas con el fin de destacar cómo Heller, a propósito del contexto político en el que vivió, volvió su mirada hacia esas filosofías con el fin de escrutar los vínculos que, a su parecer, se tejían entre ellas y los regímenes totalitarios que se forjaron durante el siglo xx. Al respecto, se argumenta que las reflexiones de la autora no se orientaron solamente a dar cuenta de dicha cuestión, sino que, como resultado de su esmerada labor intelectual, de sus convicciones morales y de su propia experiencia personal, encaminó sus esfuerzos hacia la elaboración de una sugerente concepción de la historia que se fundamentó en criterios y principios éticos.application/pdfspainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCopyright © 2022 Juan Carlos Chaparro RodríguezAgnes Heller and the critique of the philosophies of history. An analysis from her political context and intellectual trajectoryAgnes Heller y la crítica a las filosofías de la Historia Un análisis desde su contexto político y trayectoria intelectualarticleopenAccessAgnes Hellerphilosophy of historytheory of historysocialismintellectual history20th centuryAgnes Hellerfilosofía de la historiahistoria intelectualteoría de la historiasiglo xx2024-02-16Chaparro Rodríguez, Juan Carlos10.17230/co-herencia.20.39.8Libre acceso