2015-02-202010-12-08R. Mejía-Gutiérrez, S. Ruiz and C.M. Echeverri "Manufacturing process planning under a Product Lifecycle Management approach" In proceedings of the 8th International Conference on High Speed Machining. Metz, France. December 08-10, (2010)http://hdl.handle.net/10784/5018The Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) concept may be used to align Knowledge Management with Manufacturing Process Planning -- This paper presents an ongoing research in the use of a PLM tool to support the process planning of machining processes, including High Speed Machining (HSM) -- The project integrates a novel and competitive PLM solution for emerging markets, such as developing countries or Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) -- A module for managing CAD/CAM information under a PLM approach is proposed and its implementation is described to clarify the Manufacturing Process Planning under a PLM environment -- The paper reports the experience using the tool and discusses opportunities and pitfalls in its useengManufacturing process planning under a product lifecycle management approachinfo:eu-repo/semantics/conferencePaperinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessCICLO DE VIDA DE LOS PRODUCTOSDISEÑO DE PRODUCTOSDISEÑO CON AYUDA DE COMPUTADORMETADATOSCAD / CAM (SISTEMAS)MANUFACTURAS CON AYUDA DE COMPUTADORPROCESAMIENTO ELECTRÓNICO DE DATOSAUTOMATIZACIÓNKnowledge Management.Product life cycleComputer-aided DesignMetadataCAD/CAM (Systems)Computer-assisted manufacturesElectronic data processingAutomationGestión del conocimientoArquitectura orientada a serviciosComputación en la nubeAcceso cerrado2015-02-20Mejía Gutiérrez, RicardoRuíz Arenas, Santiago