2021-03-262011-01-010652598WOS;000289694000077PUBMED;21431617http://hdl.handle.net/10784/27323Algebraic analysis of social networks exhibited by SARS-Beijing-2003 and AH1N1 flu-Mexico-2009 was realized. The main tools were the Tutte polynomials and Maple package Graph-Theory. The topological structures like graphs and networks were represented by invariant polynomials. The evolution of a given social network was represented like an evolution of the algebraic complexity of the corresponding Tutte polynomial. The reduction of a given social network was described like an involution of the algebraic complexity of the associated Tutte polynomial. The outbreaks of SARS and AH1N1 Flu were considered like represented by a reduction of previously existing contact networks via the control measures executed by health authorities. From Tutte polynomials were derived numerical indicators about efficiency of control measures.https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/issn/0065-2598Algebraic epidemiologySocial network analysisSARSAH1N1 fluTutte polynomialGraph theoryComputer algebraAlgebraic analysis of social networks for bio-surveillance: the cases of SARS-Beijing-2003 and AH1N1 influenza-Mexico-2009.article2021-03-26HincapiƩ DOspina J10.1007/978-1-4419-7046-6_77