Prensa y divulgación de la historia patria en Colombia: la obra de Pedro María Ibáñez en publicaciones literarias e ilustradas, 1882-1919
Samacá, Gabriel
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Universidad EAFIT
En la Bogotá de mediados del siglo xix e inicios del xx, la prensa literaria e ilustrada fue una condición de posibilidad para el surgimiento y posicionamiento de la historia patria como saber legítimo. Gracias a estos impresos, los hombres de letras contaron con un espacio para difundir trabajos que, por su extensión y naturaleza, se diferenciaron de las noticias de actualidad de la naciente prensa política e informativa. A través del análisis de la obra histórica que el médico e historiador Pedro María Ibáñez publicó en prensa, en el presente artículo se sostiene que las élites letradas intentaron dar forma a una parte de la opinión pública, para que trascendiera las disputas partidistas producto de una fuerte pugnacidad política que devino en guerras civiles. El artículo se basa en la revisión sistemática de periódicos ilustrados, revistas literarias y culturales de la época, y una amplia bibliografía de contexto que permite abordar una faceta desconocida en el proceso de constitución y divulgación del saber histórico en Colombia.
In the Bogota of the mid-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the literary and illustrated press was a condition of possibility of the emergence and positioning of the so-called historia patria as legitimate knowledge. Thanks to these printed materials, men of letters had a space to disseminate works that, given their length and nature, differed from the latest news found in the nascent political and informative press. Through the analysis of the historical work published by physician and historian Pedro María Ibáñez in the press, this paper argues that literate elites tried to shape a part of the public opinion, so that it transcended the partisan disputes resulting from a strong political pugnacity that turned into civil wars. The paper is the result of a systematic review of illustrated newspapers, literary and cultural journals of the time, as well as of an extensive contextual bibliography which allows addressing an unknown face of the process of creation and dissemination of historical knowledge in Colombia.
In the Bogota of the mid-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the literary and illustrated press was a condition of possibility of the emergence and positioning of the so-called historia patria as legitimate knowledge. Thanks to these printed materials, men of letters had a space to disseminate works that, given their length and nature, differed from the latest news found in the nascent political and informative press. Through the analysis of the historical work published by physician and historian Pedro María Ibáñez in the press, this paper argues that literate elites tried to shape a part of the public opinion, so that it transcended the partisan disputes resulting from a strong political pugnacity that turned into civil wars. The paper is the result of a systematic review of illustrated newspapers, literary and cultural journals of the time, as well as of an extensive contextual bibliography which allows addressing an unknown face of the process of creation and dissemination of historical knowledge in Colombia.