What is an ugly car? A grounded theory approach on a webpage's comments
Cadavid, A.M.
Ruiz, S.
Maya, J.
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Universidad de los Andes
In automotive design, the misuse of some aesthetic variables such as proportion, symmetry or balances etc. during the aesthetic design process can produce a negative aesthetic response to the user such as, when people assess a car as ugly. However, there is not a systematic study about the elements which actually affect the aesthetics of a car and not even theories to aid the cars designers in this process. Thus, we applied a Grounded Theory methodology using as data source a Yahoo blog "10 ugliest cars of all time" to obtain a first approach about how people understand and perceive ugliness in a car. We found five hypotheses about how people make an aesthetic assessment of vehicles, which were faced with the aesthetic theories to confirm the results obtained.