“Escenografías del mal” De las estéticas del horror a las figuras de lo infame
Godoy Contreras, Ivan
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Universidad EAFIT
Será la guerra, justamente, el escenario propicio para el abuso de cadáveres con fines políticos, en el que confluyen dos elementos consustanciales al Mal. El primero apunta a la negación del Otro como ser humano y sujeto de derecho, lo cual habilita al agresor para proceder con crueldad sobre su víctima. El segundo remite a la gradual “espectacularización” del cadáver, cuyas imágenes develan el ensañamiento con el Otro. Del arte a las imágenes digitales, las escenografías del Mal se despliegan de modo polisémico. El drama, por lo tanto, acontece en la puesta en escena del sufrimiento del otro, reside no solo en el rostro de dolor y el grito de muerte del derrotado -o en el placer, coraje o valentía de su verdugo-, sino también en un más allá, en el uso y abuso del cadáver enemigo para prolongar el daño y el dolor -directa o indirectamente- en el deudo y su comunidad.
The war will be, precisely, the favorable scenario for the abuse of corpses for political reasons where two elements, which are consubstantial to Evil, converge. The first one points to the negation of the Other as a human being and subject of laws, which enables the aggressor to act cruelly on his victim. The second one refers to the gradual "spectacularization" of the corpse, whose images reveal cruelty against the Other. From art to digital images, the scenographies of Evil unfold in a polysemic manner. Drama, therefore, occurs in the staging of the other’s suffering; it not only resides on the face of pain and the death cry of the defeated, or in the pleasure, courage or bravery of his executioner, but also on the afterlife, in the use and abuse of the enemy's corpse to prolong the damage and pain, directly or indirectly of the mourner and his community.
The war will be, precisely, the favorable scenario for the abuse of corpses for political reasons where two elements, which are consubstantial to Evil, converge. The first one points to the negation of the Other as a human being and subject of laws, which enables the aggressor to act cruelly on his victim. The second one refers to the gradual "spectacularization" of the corpse, whose images reveal cruelty against the Other. From art to digital images, the scenographies of Evil unfold in a polysemic manner. Drama, therefore, occurs in the staging of the other’s suffering; it not only resides on the face of pain and the death cry of the defeated, or in the pleasure, courage or bravery of his executioner, but also on the afterlife, in the use and abuse of the enemy's corpse to prolong the damage and pain, directly or indirectly of the mourner and his community.