Walter Benjamin: dispersión y educación en la época contemporánea
Velez López, Germán Darío
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Universidad EAFIT
Me propongo plantear en este artículo algunas consideraciones relativas al concepto de dispersión, que apunten a la comprensión de una dinámica determinante de la vida contemporánea -- Tomaré como hilo conductor los planteamientos de Benjamín relativos a la dispersión, realizando algunas operaciones de extrapolación que me permitan arrojar alguna luz sobre la educación en la época actual -- La idea de dispersión tiene una historia que esbozaré en sus líneas generales con el fin distinguir las actitudes valorativas que suscita el fenómeno, y la dificultad de asignarle un sentido positivo -- Haré referencia a dos momentos que considero que tienen un mayor peso relativo, y que dibujan una especie de alfa y omega de la situación filosófica ante la dispersión en occidente: San Agustín y Heidegger -- Partiendo de este esbozo será posible perfilar mejor el problema central de la ambigüedad que acompaña la actitud ante la dispersión y su correlato histórico, la pérdida del aura, y que puede expresarse en la oposición entre un progresismo liquidacionista o un conservadurismo elegíaco.
In this paper I would like to lay out some considerations concerning the concept of dispersion, aimed at the understanding of a decisive dynamic of contemporary life -- As a lead, I will use Benjamin’s approach relating to dispersion, extrapolating certain points that allow me to shed some light on present-day education -- The idea of dispersion has a story that I would sketch in broad outline in order to distinguish the value-based attitudes raised by the phenomenon, and the difficulty of assigning a positive sense -- I will refer to two representatives that I believe maintain profound relative significance and define the philosophical situation of dispersion in the Western tradition: Saint Augustine and Heidegger -- From this outline it is possible to grasp the central problem of the ambiguity that accompanies the attitude towards dispersion and its historical correlate, the loss of aura, which can be expressed in the opposition between a liquidationist liberalism or an elegiac conservatism.
In this paper I would like to lay out some considerations concerning the concept of dispersion, aimed at the understanding of a decisive dynamic of contemporary life -- As a lead, I will use Benjamin’s approach relating to dispersion, extrapolating certain points that allow me to shed some light on present-day education -- The idea of dispersion has a story that I would sketch in broad outline in order to distinguish the value-based attitudes raised by the phenomenon, and the difficulty of assigning a positive sense -- I will refer to two representatives that I believe maintain profound relative significance and define the philosophical situation of dispersion in the Western tradition: Saint Augustine and Heidegger -- From this outline it is possible to grasp the central problem of the ambiguity that accompanies the attitude towards dispersion and its historical correlate, the loss of aura, which can be expressed in the opposition between a liquidationist liberalism or an elegiac conservatism.