International Guests: Opening Pathways and Weaving Nets



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Universidad EAFIT



Jorge Wagensberg, physicist and founder of CosmoCaixa, the Science Museum in Barcelona, met the children participating in EAFIT Children's University. Why was school invented? This researcher was invited to give a lecture about Intellectual joy, a theory of his that has nurtured the methodology of EAFIT Children's University.
Jorge Wagensberg, fĆ­sico y fundador de CosmoCaixa, Museo de las Ciencias en Barcelona, estuvo con los niƱos que participaron en el Encuentro ĀæPor quĆ© inventaron el colegio? Este cientĆ­fico fue invitado a dar una conferencia sobre El gozo intelectual, una teorĆ­a suya que ha nutrido la metodologĆ­a de la Universidad de los niƱos.

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