Firm Capabilities and Growth Strategies: The Moderating Role of Institutional Factors




Velasco-Gutiérrez, Gerardo
Montoya, Miguel A
Orozco, Margarita
Lluis Capelleras, Joan

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Universidad EAFIT


Building on Resource-Based View (RBV) and Institutional Theory (IT), we decided to study the internal and external factors that affect the choice between different growth strategies in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in an emerging economy. We started identifying that there is a direct relationship between technological resources and an organic growth strategy, financial resources and an acquisitive growth strategy, and networking capabilities and a hybrid growth strategy. We argue that the intensity of these relations is moderated by institutional factors, such as a country’s intellectual property protections (for organic strategies), credit access (for acquisitive strategies), and trust in the business environment (for hybrid strategies). We based our findings on 450 face-to-face surveys with CEOs from firms in the Electronic Technology, Information, and Communication Sector (ETICS) in Mexico. Managerial implications are also discussed in the paper, as well as future avenues of research.Building on Resource-Based View (RBV) and Institutional Theory (IT), we decided to study the internal and external factors that affect the choice between different growth strategies in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in an emerging economy. We started identifying that there is a direct relationship between technological resources and an organic growth strategy, financial resources and an acquisitive growth strategy, and networking capabilities and a hybrid growth strategy. We argue that the intensity of these relations is moderated by institutional factors, such as a country’s intellectual property protections (for organic strategies), credit access (for acquisitive strategies), and trust in the business environment (for hybrid strategies). We based our findings on 450 face-to-face surveys with CEOs from firms in the Electronic Technology, Information, and Communication Sector (ETICS) in Mexico. Managerial implications are also discussed in the paper, as well as future avenues of research.
Empleando los principios de la Teoría de Recursos y Capacidades (RBV) y de la Teoría Institucional (IT), decidimos estudiar los factores internos y externos que afectan la elección entre diferentes estrategias de crecimiento en empresas pequeñas y medianas (Pymes) en una economía emergente. Iniciamos identificando que hay una relación directa entre recursos tecnológicos y una estrategia de crecimiento orgánico, recursos financieros y una estrategia de crecimiento por adquisiciones, y capacidades relacionales y una estrategia de crecimiento híbrida. Argumentamos que la intensidad de estas relaciones es moderada por factores institucionales del entorno, como la protección de un país sobre la propiedad intelectual (para estrategias orgánicas), acceso al crédito (para estrategias de adquisición), y confianza en el ambiente empresarial (para estrategias híbridas). Basamos nuestros descubrimientos en 450 encuestas cara a cara con directores de empresas en el sector de tecnología electrónica, información y comunicación (ETICS) en México. En este artículo también se discuten implicaciones gerenciales, así como futuras líneas de investigación.


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