Maestría en Economía Aplicada (tesis)

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  • Ítem
    La accidentalidad vial permeada por el auge de la construcción habitacional
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Robledo Sánchez, Leonardo; Ceballos Arias, Luz Maribel; Sánchez Saldarriaga, Andrés Felipe
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    Análisis de los programas de adulto mayor en Sabaneta y sus beneficios en la salud física, cognitiva y psicológica
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Sánchez Henao, Natalia; Jiménez Londoño, Laura María; Ceballos García, Grey Yuliet
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    Implementación de la Unidad Municipal de Atención y Acceso a la Justicia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Piedrahita Londoñoño, Wilfer Alonso; Atehortua Osorio, Mariano de Jesús; Murcia Sánchez , David Ricardo
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    Trading for a Cleaner Future : Carbon Markets and Colombia’s Pursuit of NDC Goals
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Múnera-Alzate, Carlos Felipe; González-Pérez, María Alejandra
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    Evaluación de impacto a la estrategia "Computadores futuro" en la tasa de reprobación de estudiantes de instituciones educativas oficiales de Medellín beneficiados con un computador en 2022
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Martínez Puerta, Jhon Esteban; Puerta Álvarez, Henry Daniel
    "Computadores Futuro” is a program by the Medellín City Hall aimed at enhancing educational persistence by providing technological devices to students from official educational institutions in Medellín. The goal is to equip them with relevant skills for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The primary research question was: What is the impact of the “Computadores Futuro” policy on the failure rate of Medellín students during the year 2022? Using the Propensity Score Matching methodology, the impact of this policy was assessed under four different sample restrictions. The findings indicate that, across all considered models, the policy effectively contributed to a reduction in failure rates, with observed effects ranging between 1.3% and 3.8%, depending on the specific characteristics of each sample restriction. That is, students who received a computer in 2022 exhibited up to a 3.8% reduction in the likelihood of failing compared to the hypothetical situation of not having received such computing equipment. It's important to note that, across all models, the observed impact was statistically significant at the 1% level, confirming the effect of the intervention concerning the repetition rate of the benefited students. An additional and relevant finding is the relationship between connectivity and academic performance. In Model 3, it was observed that having internet access reduces the probability of failure; similarly, in Model 4, lacking connectivity increases this probability, underscoring the importance of connectivity in students' academic outcomes.
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    Evaluación de impacto del Programa de Alimentación Escolar – PAE del municipio de Sabaneta en el período de 2020 - 2023
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Cuartas Ochoa, Deisy Alexandra; Trujilo Gil, Johny Alexander; Ríos Agudelo, Yohan Sebastian
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    Exploración previa de los posibles efectos de la modernización del sistema de videovigilancia de Sabaneta, Antioquia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Montoya Montoya, Santiago; Naranjo Velásquez, María Paulina; Vasco Montoya, Nelson Leonardo; Herrera de la Hoz, César Enrique
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    Análisis del mercado turístico en Medellín: una aproximación desde el análisis descriptivo
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Mesa García, Esteban; Jaramillo Vélez, Ricardo; Ospina Londoño, Mónica
    The tourism market in Medellín has undergone significant changes in recent years. It is possible to observe a considerable increase in tourist demand, which in turn has been accompanied by a shift in supply, as the market seeks to respond to the new characteristics of the demand. This paper provides an overview of the tourism market, evaluating variations in supply and demand based on the descriptive analysis of available data on foreign arrivals, hotel occupancy, the Airbnb market, digital nomads, employment, rental prices, and other relevant factors to understand the change in behavior of this market. We find that there has been a shock in demand post-pandemic, which results in a shift in the demand curve due to changes in tourist preferences, partly due to the devaluation of the peso, which favors the arrival of foreign tourists. As for the supply, we find that there was an increase in registrations in the National Tourism Registry in the city, the number of available beds increased, and the income from Airbnb increased significantly.
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    Trust in police, the relationship with victimization, the Latin American case
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Chinkousky Giraldo, María Antonia; Sangnier, Marc; Gómez Toro, Catalina
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    Los efectos del saneamiento básico en el desarrollo local de las comunidades : un metaanálisis para comprender las realidades de nuestro país y territorios
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Banguero Moreno, Carlos Alberto; Cantet, María Natalia
    Is there a correlation between basic sanitation and community development? A general perception is that basic sanitation is related to community development; However, there is still insufficient quantitative information to support this hypothesis and to allow considerations of the true effects of sanitation on the development of communities, so the objective of the work is to determine if there is a direct relationship between basic sanitation and community development, through a quantitative review – meta-analysis at the global level. R² determination coefficients were collected along with scale moderators, population, zone type and control type. After the review of 3003 articles, about 63 data were obtained from 15 sources. Most of them are scientific articles, with the theme occupational environmental public health and the United States being the country with the most publications. Statistical analyses determined that basic sanitation and community development are positively correlated in the world's population centers, indicating that advances or setbacks in sanitation processes such as drinking water, sewerage influence the development of communities. The great variability between studies is mainly explained by the scale (local, regional and local) which means that the level of connection between these two variables may be stronger or weaker if the evaluation changes the spatial scale. On the other hand, to materialize the positive impacts of sanitation in the municipality of Apartadó, a strategy must be generated that allows the updating of the municipal structure that responds to the new dynamics of development. In general, we can affirm that sanitation has a fundamental impact on development, since it generates an impact on environmental, economic and social aspects, and is a political challenge since it depends on the decisions and public policies that are designed in local, regional and national governments and administrations. Keywords: Sanitation, basic sanitation, drinking water, wastewater management, wastewater disposal, solid waste management, solid waste disposal.
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    Impacto de la construcción de vivienda en la demanda del cemento en Colombia (2010 – 2022)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Builes Aristizábal, Laura; Puerta Álvarez, Henry Daniel; Romero Rios, Natalia
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    Importancia del uso del e-commerce para el desempeño de los micronegocios en las principales ciudades de Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Gómez De Las Salas, Andrea Carolina; Cao, Qiuyi; Acosta Mejía, Camilo Andrés
    This paper analyzes the relationship between the use of E-Commerce by Colombian microbusinesses and their performance , especially in the main cities of the country. We use Data from DANE's Emicron for 2019 and 2021, which is a nationally representative survey about microbusinesses among 24 main cities in the country. This survey covers 86,969 microbusinesses for the year 2019 and 77,156 for 2021, which is equivalent to 11,654,842 observations when using the sample expansion factors. The results of the estimated regressions confirm the positive correlation between the use of E-Commerce and the sales and profits of microbusinesses in Colombia. Among all the companies in our study, the use of E-Commerce is associated with higher sales and profits of the previous year on average of 19.5%.
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    Uso de modelos VAR para el pronóstico de desembolsos de cartera comercial : caso Bancolombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Navarro Ospina, Andrés Felipe; Cano Benjumea, José Andrés; Restrepo Tobón, Diego Alexander
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    ¿Influye el desempeño de los gobiernos en la percepción de confianza ciudadana a nivel local? Análisis de los determinantes de la confianza en las autoridades municipales de Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Betancur Rendón, Juan Camilo; Chaparro Cardona, Juan Camilo
    This paper explores the relationship between institutional performance levels and citizens’ trust perceptions towards local political authorities of 36 Colombian municipalities in 2019 and 2021. Utilizing data from the National Survey of Political Culture and municipal government performance measurements, a panel data model with random effects was implemented. The findings reveal a positive correlation between government performance and perceived levels of citizen trust in local authorities. The mobilization of domestic resources for public investment is the public administration dimension most associated with local positive trust attitudes, a potential effect of decentralization that has been scarcely studied before. The primary social drivers of institutional trust at the municipal level in Colombia are citizens’ income, occupation, and religion, consistent with findings from case studies previously conducted in other democracies.
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    La influencia del capital de riesgo (venture capital) en la superación del valle de la muerte en un grupo de empresas de base tecnológica en Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Celis Pérez, Alejandro; Yepes Callejas, Edgar Rene
    The valley of death can be defined as "a condition of blockage or latency experienced by innovation projects, for which progress has been made in the development of technological dimensions, but other dimensions of the business model, necessary to carry out said innovations up to the stages of new product development (DNP), operation and commercialization.” (Yepes, 2022). Within the dominant theory, the use of alternative financing mechanisms has predominated, as a response to this condition and as a strategy to get out of the valley of death. Within these alternative investment mechanisms, venture capital predominates, which can be defined as a financing instrument for high-growth companies where investors buy shares in these companies, providing financing, monitoring, experience and contacts with the industry (Kelly & Kim, 2018). This mechanism is specially designed to address the gap that exists between the demand for capital by emerging companies and the supply available by traditional private institutions and/or public institutions. The objective of this work was to examine the influence of venture capital on the financial performance of a group of companies in Colombia and its role in overcoming the valley of death. For this, the financing operations with venture capital that were carried out in Colombia were consulted in specialized databases. Subsequently, the years between 2015 and 2021 were selected as the analysis period and the financial results of the companies that received financing in those years were consulted. This work makes important contributions to the study of the valley of death, because, to date, from the review of the literature, there are no works that have been identified that have validated the occurrence of this phenomenon in technology-based companies in Colombia, as well as the influence of venture capital financing in the performance of these organizations from the financial point of view that are reflected in the overcoming, or not, of the valley of death. The most recent exercises have focused on studying R&D projects in university institutions to identify the dimensions associated with the occurrence of the Valley of Death, even before these projects have received funding.
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    Análisis de clúster estadístico como herramienta para la segmentación de cliente pyme : aplicación para una entidad financiera colombiana
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Cano Mazo, Luisa Fernanda; Agudelo Restrepo, Juan Fernando; Puerta Álvarez, Henry Daniel
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    Revisión del estado del arte, de algunos sistemas de gestión integral de residuos sólidos en Colombia y en el mundo, para generar recomendaciones de implementación de buenas prácticas, en el municipio de Sopetrán departamento de Antioquia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Quiceno Flórez, Adrián Esteban; López Barrantes, Silvio Andrés
    The main purpose of this study is to carry out a review of the state of the art of some integrated solid waste management systems in Colombia and worldwide, in order to identify better practices from the economic, environmental and social aspects, to generate suggestions for the adoption of a waste management model in the Township of Sopetrán, Department of Antioquia. Regarding the methodological framework, this study is longitudinal research, which means an analysis of the development of solid waste management in the world and in Colombia; also, this is exploratory research to build recommendations or methodological proposals that will enable the future development of practices or models based on well-established and existing practices. This research is also descriptive because it allows us to analyze the elements and facts which have influenced globally and locally to carry out a good solid waste management, through a detailed analysis of the most outstanding projects and thus determine the most appropriate to implement in the Township of Sopetrán. Documentary research was used as the main instrument, based on primary input, reviewing the studies conducted by other researchers and cities about solid waste management, which provided us different points of view and implementations to determine the best system or alternatives to be adopted in the Township of Sopetrán. While several programs have been implemented in the Township of Sopetrán, contamination is still a problem due to the lack of adequate solid waste management. In accordance and based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the project "Feira do Lixo" of the Green Change Program of Curitiba/Brazil can be replicated, being an innovative model of how environmental management and food safety may be combined to enhance the people's quality of life. The proposal suggested to the Township of Sopetrán is an alternative that might be useful specially to help with the issue of adequate solid waste management, which will promote the town's economy and the sustainable agriculture.
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    Adopción de tecnologías de Inteligencia Artificial : un estudio para las empresas en Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Vera Otálvaro, Lina María; Atis Ortega, Karen Liseth
    This document provides a broad description regarding the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in Colombian companies. We managed to discriminate the analysis by economic sectors using a new module presented in the Encuesta Pulso Empresarial (EPE) of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) in 2022. The module collects data from more than 8,500 companies on the adoption, reasons for use and non-use of AI technologies. During the investigation, we discovered that organizing administrative processes is one of the main issues that the implementation of AI would solve. Nonetheless, high acquisition costs and lack of experienced personnel capable of using AI makes its implementation more difficult. Through a probability model, it is evident that, among other factors, using the Internet, digital platforms, investing in software equipment, carrying out research and development activities, increase the probability of adopting AI technologies. These research adds as an innovative element a set of variables considering perceptions and expectations that companies have related to present and future economic situations and its influence on the adoption of AI technologies.
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