Exile and migration in La nave de los locos, by Cristina Peri Rossi : a journey to others’ spaces



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Universidad EAFIT



In La nave de los locos, the proposed signals surrounding the topic of a ship collecting mad people, which represents a mental hospital space, concentration camps, or dictatorships, highlights their abandonment and deprivation from society and its fundame
In La nave de los locos, the proposed signals surrounding the topic of a ship collecting mad people, which represents a mental hospital space, concentration camps, or dictatorships, highlights their abandonment and deprivation from society and its fundame

Palabras clave

Migración humana, Expatriación, Nómada, Nomadismo, Ciudad, Exilio, Locura, Conocimiento, Poder, La nave de los locos, Peri Rossi, Cristina
