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Ítem Bibliotecas universitarias seguras: Guía interactiva para líderes de las bibliotecas.(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-08-13) Lisowska-Navarro, Malgorzata; Londoño Restrepo, Andres Santiago; Ospina Ospina, Gloria Patricia; López, Luis Fernando; Universidad del Rosario; Universidad EAFIT; Universidad ICESI; Universidad de La Sabana; Centro Cultural Biblioteca LEVThe global health emergency caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus has generated innumerable challenges for all higher education institutions and has undoubtedly forced us to rethink the operation of libraries. The concern for the reopening of its physical facilities, the acquisition of information resources, the provision of services and the implementation of technologies, has occupied the thinking of the leaders of university libraries in Colombia. To facilitate this reflection, the libraries of the Eafit, Icesi, La Sabana and Rosario universities, have prepared this interactive guide based on their own dynamics, based on the following national and international documents: Colombia. Ministry of Health. Resolution 891 of 2020: through which the biosafety protocol is adopted for the management and control of the risk of the coronavirus COVID-19 in the operation of libraries. Spain. Rebiun. Rebiun recommendations for a protocol on the reopening of university and scientific libraries. Throughout the six chapters, the most important aspects to take into account for the current situation and for the immediate future will be presented in an interactive and illustrative way, in any university library in our country. We hope that this guide will be of interest to library leaders, concerned about the safe reopening of physical facilities, guidance on the acquisition of bibliographic material, the provision of services, the use of new technologies, and of course the digital work and the skills of library staff.