Derecho y Poder
URI permanente para esta comunidad
El Grupo de Investigación Derecho y Poder representa uno de los procesos fundaciones de la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad Eafit. En tal sentido, reflejaba en su constitución una preocupación inicial frente al fenómeno del Estado, el Derecho y el poder (en sus modalidad política, económica y social). Por ende, las discusiones se centran en las relaciones que se dan entre estos, las cuales son abordadas desde perspectivas teóricas así como aplicadas.
Líneas de investigación: Derecho, Economía, Globalización y Sociedad; Derecho, Empresa, Daños y Obligaciones; Derecho, Historia, Filosofía y otras narrativas; Derecho, Procesos, Estado y Territorio; Nuevas tipologías familiares. Derecho y familia: retos contemporáneos de la familia y el derecho de familia en Colombia.
Código Minciencias: COL0003113.
Categoría 2019: A.
Escuela: Derecho.
Departamento académico: Derecho.
Coordinador: Jose Alberto Toro Valencia.
Correo electrónico:
Líneas de investigación: Derecho, Economía, Globalización y Sociedad; Derecho, Empresa, Daños y Obligaciones; Derecho, Historia, Filosofía y otras narrativas; Derecho, Procesos, Estado y Territorio; Nuevas tipologías familiares. Derecho y familia: retos contemporáneos de la familia y el derecho de familia en Colombia.
Código Minciencias: COL0003113.
Categoría 2019: A.
Escuela: Derecho.
Departamento académico: Derecho.
Coordinador: Jose Alberto Toro Valencia.
Correo electrónico:
Examinando Derecho y Poder por Tipo de documento "Artículo"
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Ítem "Los abogados en Colombia"(Universidad del Rosario, 2011-12-01) E. HOYOS; E. HOYOSLa imagen es estremecedora. Un reconocido abogado litigante es detenido frente a las cámaras de los noticieros y en la propia sede de la Corte Suprema de Justicia.Ítem An approach to the reform process to the Inter- American Commission of Human Rights: context, development and perspectives to an ongoing process(Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2014-12-01) A. GOMEZ; A. GOMEZÍtem AN APPROACH TO THE REFORM PROCESS TO THE INTER-AMERICAN COMMISSION OF HUMAN RIGHTS: CONTEXT, DEVELOPMENT AND PERSPECTIVES TO AN ONGOING PROCESS(Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2015-02-01) A. GOMEZ VELASQUEZ; A. GOMEZ VELASQUEZThe IACHR is relevant organ in the Inter American System of Human Rights. As was foreseeable, it work and powers has caused a significant tension among the state- members that has increased in recent years.Ítem "Aproximaciones a la historia del derecho en Colombia"(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2012-01-01) M. GAVIRIA; M. GAVIRIAEl presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la importancia de la historia del derecho en Colombia, así como los principales autores en la materia, con la finalidad de construir un referente para futuras investigaciones.Ítem La autoridad privada en la gobernanza global. Una aproximación desde el arbitraje internacional de inversiones(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2016-01-01) J. TORO; J. TOROEste texto trata la emergencia de la autoridad privada en la gobernanza global contemporánea a partir del papel que desempeñan las oficinas globales de abogados en la gestión de un régimen internacional específico.Ítem La autoridad privada en la gobernanza global: la construcción de un nuevo Derecho internacional(Universidad de Caldas, 2019-06-28) J. TORO; J. TOROÍtem Características y utilización de la noción escatológica del purgatorio en Colombia(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2017-01-01) R. TAMAYO FRANCO; R. TAMAYO FRANCOLa Reforma y la Contrarreforma transformaron el cristianismo en la modernidad. En esa transformación, la noción del purgatorio permaneció como parte fundamental de la escatología católica; transmitida a las colonias españolas a través del proceso de evangÍtem Catalysts for change: A proposed framework for human rights clinical teaching and advocacy(2012-01-01) J. KESTENBAUM; E. HOYOS; M. TALVADKA; J. KESTENBAUM; E. HOYOS; M. TALVADKAThis article presents a successful model that incorporates the evolving nature of international human rights advocacy and offers a framework for human rights clinical teaching.Ítem Co-evolution between structural mitigation measures and urbanization in France and Colombia: A comparative analysis of disaster risk management policies based on disaster databases(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2011-10-01) J. LOPEZ-PELAEZ; P. PIGEON; J. LOPEZ-PELAEZ; P. PIGEONThis article examines the major differences between the EM-DAT and DesInventar international disaster databases, which are frequently used as the basis for designing risk reduction programs. We found that disaster prevention policies, whether they are based on EM-DAT or DesInventar disaster type, encourage an increase in urbanization especially when they are only based on structural mitigation measures. Therefore, as they cannot remove all risk of future disasters, mitigation of small to medium-scale events may lead to greater events. Our findings are based on a comparative analysis of two case studies. On the one hand, we study the impact of small events in Medellín, Colombia, while on the other hand we study the Upper Rhone basin mitigation measures, in France. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.Ítem Coexistence and strategic use of political participation models as part of urban transformation processes in Colombia. The case of Medellin(UNIV ANTIOQUIA, FAC DERECHO & CIENCIAS POLITICAS, 2015-07-01) M. MONTOYA BRAND; A. VASQUEZ CARDENAS; N. MONTOYA RESTREPO; M. MONTOYA BRAND; A. VASQUEZ CARDENAS; N. MONTOYA RESTREPOThis article explores harmonious and discordant relations accompanying leading political participation models in public affairs. The article is focused on the analysis of whether the four most influential models of participation, namely, direct participation, indirect participation, deliberative participation, and control participation, have accompanied the multiple participation processes generated as part of the urban transformation in Medellin, Colombia between 2004 and 2015, specifically in the concise occurrence of the town hall meeting held as part of the formulation of the Land Development Plan in 2014. As explained in the paper, even if every model places a major focus on a particular aspect, they all together may converge in a collaborative and interdependent fashion. Additionally, this investigation supports that according to their immediate interests, different actors in urban transformation processes may observe these models as compatible or incompatible among each other and, accordingly, will assign each of them a dominant role depending on the specific time and interests at stake. This study may be applied as an analytical framework across contexts in Colombia, as it occurs in many Latin American cities where legal systems establish the simultaneity of these four participation models.Ítem COMPARATIVO DE CINCO PROCEDIMIENTOS ADMINISTRATIVOS SANCIONATORIOS (FASE II). FALTAS ? SANCIONES ? ETAPAS ? SEGUNDA INSTANCIA ? PRINCIPIOS(Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, 2016-08-24) D. SUAREZ; L. RESTREPO; D. SUAREZ; L. RESTREPODurante la primera fase de esta investigación, adelantada, se realizó un inventario de los 97 procedimientos administrativos sancionatorios encontrados en la legislación colombiana entre el año 1991 y 2011.Ítem The complexity of urban public policies in Latin America. Medellin's case(UNIV ANTIOQUIA, FAC DERECHO & CIENCIAS POLITICAS, 2017-01-01) A. VASQUEZ CARDENAS; M. MONTOYA BRAND; D. ROJAS BERMEO; A. VASQUEZ CARDENAS; M. MONTOYA BRAND; D. ROJAS BERMEOThe article explores the reasons why urban public policies in Latin America have a very high degree of complexity. It also addresses the challenges that this generates for local governments. It examines in an illustrative way the case of Medellin (Colombia) by taking as a point of reference urban regeneration policies applied during 2004-2015. The complexity of urban policies can be exposed in aspects such as follows: In urban policies it is necessary to give room for diverse and sometimes conflicting interests; Latin American cities are faced with the challenge of ensuring, simultaneously with its policies, not only the human development but also the competitiveness required by the globalized world of today. Finally, it is increasingly clear that policy makers must take into account the consequences of the urban transformation processes that result from public policies. This work continues by evidencing the main tensions that complexity imposes on public policies concerning urban transformation in Latin America.Ítem La consulta pública previa a la expedición de reglamentos y el principio de transparencia: Su conexión con una concepción deliberativa de la democracia(Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile, Programa de Derecho Administrativo Economico, 2020-01-01) Díez C.A.D.; Velázquez A.G.; Díez C.A.D.; Velázquez A.G.This article addresses the relationship between the principle of transparency and deliberative democracy in the field of public administration. In a first part, the different notions of legitimacy and the convenience of applying the principles of transparency and deliberative democratization to the administrative functions are exposed. In this regard, it will be argued that the principle of transparency constitutes one of the prerequisite for a deliberative conception of democracy and public administration. In a second part, on the light of this theoretical framework, the procedure of previous and public consultation for administrative rulemaking created by article 8.8 of the CPACA and regulated by Decree 270 of 2017 will be analyzed. It will be argued that the existing regulation of this procedure left some gaps that might be filled with some systematic interpretations to guarantee it democratic and deliberative effectiveness. © 2020 Romanian Astronomical Journal. All rights reserved.Ítem El contrato de prestación de servicios en el estatuto general de contratación de la administración pública: un tipo contractual de compleja celebración(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2020-02-15) A. GOMEZ; C. DIAZ; A. GOMEZ; C. DIAZÍtem Los convenios de interés público y de asociación en el régimen de contratación pública colombiana(Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2019-01-01) Velásquez A.G.; Díez C.A.D.; Velásquez A.G.; Díez C.A.D.The following paper aims to analyze the legal framework of public procurement created with the expedition of Decree 092 of 2017. Through legal research methods, the paper proposes a systematic analysis of the legal framework recurring to normative, jurisprudence and doctrinal sources. Doing so, this paper will be focus on the definitions, typologies, main features and some problematic issues that the regulation implies. It will be held that this new regulation distinguishes between association public agreements, regulated by Act 489 of 1998 and partly by the mentioned decree, and “public interest” agreements that are supported by article 355 of the Colombian Constitution. About the similarities among both agreements it could be established that, (i) both public contracts must be sign up with nonprofit organization with recognized suitability, (ii) neither can imply a commutative relationship, (iii) both are regulated by the regime of disabilities and incompatibilities provided by Act 80 of 1993, (iv) the legal and constitutional principles of public procurement are applicable to them, and (v) both of them are subjects of the general norms applicable to public procurement except on the precise content of Decree 092 of 2017. © 2019 Universidad Externado de Colombia. All rights reserved.Ítem El costo democrático de la democracia representativa(Corporacion Universitaria Republicana, 2017-01-01) Velásquez A.G.; Velásquez A.G.This article addresses the question if the model of representative democracy that continues to this day is consistent with the ethos that is often attributed to democracy today. In this regard, from a normative methodological scope, this paper starts with the idea that a democratic system is based on the notion of “self-government». From this ground, the article proposes a theoretical review of the model of representative democracy. From that review will be highlight some theoretical inconsistencies and undemocratic effects involving the representative model, and therefore claims the notion of participative democracy. © 2017, Corporacion Universitaria Republicana. All rights reserved.Ítem La costumbre mercantil internacional. La lex mercatoria en la gobernanza global contemporánea(Cámara de Comercio de Medellín, 2019-11-22) J. TORO; J. TOROÍtem El deber de consulta pública previa a la expedición de reglamentos en el régimen jurídico colombiano(Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2017-01-01) Velásquez A.G.; Velásquez A.G.The present article addresses the figure of previous and public consultation in administrative rulemaking in the Colombian legal system. Doing that, the article uses a comparative law, a systematic interpretation and a jurisprudential approach to propose some de lege ferenda and de lege data interpretation on the figure. The thesis aims to hold is that from the existing legal framework it is possible to preach the existence of the figure form certain regulations, but also in a generic form in the light of the provisions of Article 8.8 of cpaca. However, due to the imprecise way the consultation was regulated there will be desirable that the legislative branch develop it in more detail manner in the near future or the Consejo de Estado as the Colombian supreme court on this particular issue defining in a unified way the scope of the public consultation. While this occurs, this paper propose a constitutional interpretation of the institution.Ítem La declaratoria de la emergencia social y el perfil del Gobierno Uribe: algunas reflexiones.(2010-01-01) Montoya Brand, Mario Alberto; M. MONTOYAEl presente artículo es una aplicación parcial de los resultados de la tesis doctoral defendida por el autor en el Doctorado en Derecho Público de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, a finales del año 2009.Ítem El derecho comercial colombiano en el siglo XXI(2013-06-01) M. GAVIRIA; M. GAVIRIAEl presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los aspectos que deben guiar el estudio del actual derecho comercial colombiano: la descodifiación, el sur gimiento del precedente jurisprudencial, los cambios en la discusión por la unifiación del derecho
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