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Ítem ABOUT THE NOTION OF INFORMATION AND SOME IMPLICATIONS IN THE PSYCHOSOCIAL FIELD(UNIV EL BOSQUE, 2017-01-01) I. BUILES ROLDAN; I. BUILES ROLDAN; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)The concept of information is essential for the individuation theory of Gilbert Simondon. This author takes distance from traditional notions because these think information as a measurable and manageable thing. Also, a possible consequence of this substantialization of the term by the traditional theories is that information is being used with communication, to control and manipulate social systems. In this sense, it may lead to alienation of the individuals. Look deeper into this concept from Simondon allow us to observe some its implications in the field of psychosocial. For this we will take in account the notions of amplification, transduction, modulation, organization, metastability, signification and trans-individuality. Finally, we propose that the individuation process and (biological and psychological) adaptation maintain a relation of continuity, understanding adaptation as a specific operation of transduction that serves to resolve tensions in living beings.Ítem Afrontamento do cáncer: Adaptação ao espanhol e validação do Mini-MAC em população Colombiana] [Afrontamiento del cáncer: Adaptación al español y validación del Mini-MAC en población colombiana(Fundacion para el Avance de la Psicologia, 2015-01-01) J. ROMÁN CALDERÓN; A. KRIKORIAN; C. PALACIO; J. ROMÁN CALDERÓN; A. KRIKORIAN; C. PALACIO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)Objective: To examine the psychometric properties of the spanish version of the Mini-MAC in a Colombian cancer sample. Methods: one hundred and twentysix cancer patients completed the adapted Mini-MAC, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the Detection of Emotional Distress Scale (DED). Descriptive, correlational and internal consistency statistics were obtained. An Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a Path Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were performed. Results: A 4-factor solution was derived: Helplessness/Hopelessness (HH), Anxious Preoccupation (AP), Cognitive Avoidance (CA) and Fighting Spirit (FS). PCA values indicated a factor solution explaining 58.9% of the variance. Significant correlations were found between HH and AP, and HH and FS. CA significantly correlated with AP and FS. Significant correlations between Mini-MAC, HADS and DED were found. Cronbach´s Alpha was superior to.6 in all cases. SEM analysis indicated that HH and AP have a positive effect on anxiety and a negative one on the emotional state, explaining 49% of the variance. CA had a negative effect on the emotional state. Altogether, HH, AP y CA explained 39% of the variance on emotional state. Conclusion: The Colombian version of the Mini-MAC is valid and reliable. It constitutes an adequate tool for assessment of coping in cancer. © 2015, Fundacion para el Avance de la Psicologia. All rights reserved.Ítem Afrontamiento del cáncer: adaptación al español y validación del Mini-MAC en población colombiana(Fundacion para el Avance de la Psicologia, 2015-08-01) J. ROMAN; J. ROMAN; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)Ítem Análisis de la intuición(2009-01-01) C. RAMÍREZ; C. RAMÍREZ; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)Ítem Analytical orientation human management: A path to responsibilization(FUNDACAO GETULIO VARGAS, 2016-01-01) J. PEREZ PATINO; I. LOPERA ARBELAZ; J. PEREZ PATINO; I. LOPERA ARBELAZ; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)The present paper proposes an approach to human management that privileges conversational spaces in the organization through verbalization, which results in symbolization, socialization and responsibilization of individuals in the organization groups. Our special concern is responsibilization, emphasizing that participation through conversation generates commitment, inclusion and a sense of belonging in individuals. In the cases studied, we have privileged the analytical method, understood as the method of discourse analysis, which underlies the attitude of the professional who grounds his work on listening, analyzing and intervening. The research findings allow the set out of a path to corporate responsibility.Ítem Antecedentes de las intenciones de abandono en cooperativas Colombianas(FUNDACAO GETULIO VARGAS, 2014-01-01) J. ROMÁN-CALDERÓN; A. BATTISTELLI; M. VARGAS-SAENZ; J. ROMÁN-CALDERÓN; A. BATTISTELLI; M. VARGAS-SAENZ; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)This paper presents a study on the intentions to quit of employees working in Colombian cooperatives. These enterprises were created to include woman affected by political violence into the labor market. According to some scholars, cooperative enterprises driven by a fundamental social mission face retention and recruitment problems. 332 workers participated in the survey. Structural Equation Modeling was used for data analyses. The findings suggest that within this type of enterprise, leader-member exchange has a negative indirect effect on turnover intentions. Consistent with previous research, this relationship is mediated by perceived organizational support. Moreover, the relationship between leader- member exchange and turnover intentions is also mediated by job-embeddedness. The limitations of the study as well as practical and theoretical implications are presented at the end of the paper. © RAE.Ítem Antecedents of turnover intentions in Colombian cooperatives(FUNDACAO GETULIO VARGAS, 2014-11-01) J. PABLO ROMAN-CALDERON; A. BATTISTELLI; M. VARGAS-SAENZ; J. PABLO ROMAN-CALDERON; A. BATTISTELLI; M. VARGAS-SAENZ; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)This paper presents a study on the intentions to quit of employees working in Colombian cooperatives. These enterprises were created to include woman affected by political violence into the labor market. According to some scholars, cooperative enterprises driven by a fundamental social mission face retention and recruitment problems. 332 workers participated in the survey. Structural Equation Modeling was used for data analyses. The findings suggest that within this type of enterprise, leader-member exchange has a negative indirect effect on turnover intentions. Consistent with previous research, this relationship is mediated by perceived organizational support. Moreover, the relationship between leader-member exchange and turnover intentions is also mediated by job-embeddedness. The limitations of the study as well as practical and theoretical implications are presented at the end of the paper.Ítem Aspectos lógicos del pensamiento intuitivo(CONSEJO SUPERIOR INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS-CSIC, INST GRASA, 2018-01-01) I. BUILES; H. MANRIQUE; I. BUILES; H. MANRIQUE; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)Ítem EL ASUNTO DE LA VERDAD EN LA PSICOLOGÍA CONTEMPORÁNEA(2009-12-01) H. MANRIQUE; H. MANRIQUE; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)Ítem AZAR, LIBERTAD Y RESPONSABILIDAD: APORTES PARA UNA PRACTICA PSICOLOGICA(2016-12-15) H. MANRIQUE TISNES; L. GIL; H. MANRIQUE TISNES; L. GIL; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)Este artículo propone una mirada sobre la responsabilidad partiendo de los conceptos de azar y libertad, los cuales se consideran básicos para sostener que el sujeto tiene la posibilidad de elegir, a pesar de sus determinaciones.Ítem ¿BIOLOGIA O CULTURA?(2010-12-01) H. MANRIQUE TISNES; H. MANRIQUE TISNES; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)Se dice con frecuencia que el hombre se adapta a la realidad y con la misma frecuencia se da por entendido lo que es esa realidad. Pero, ¿cuál es la realidad humana? Ella es el resultado de un tipo de evolución que ya no se ubica primordialmente en...Ítem El cálculo racional para elegir o la deliberación con sabiduría(UNIV EL BOSQUE, 2016-09-01) J. LOPERA; J. LOPERA; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)Ítem Cause-fit, positive attitudes and behaviors within hybrid colombian organizations(FUNDACAO GETULIO VARGAS, 2015-07-01) J. ROMÁN-CALDERÓN; C. ODOARDI; A. BATTISTELLI; J. ROMÁN-CALDERÓN; C. ODOARDI; A. BATTISTELLI; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)Socially oriented ventures have provided livelihoods and social recognition to disadvantaged communities in different corners of the world. In some cases, these ventures are the result of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. In Latin America, this type of undertaking has responded positively to unmet social needs. The social cause drives these organizations and their human resources and they give high value to organizational cause-fit. This paper presents empirical evidence of the effects of perceived cause-fit on several worker attitudes and behaviors. Psychological contract theory was adopted as theoretical background. Employees working in a hybrid (for-profit/socially oriented) Colombian organization created by a CSR program participated in the survey. Data provided by 218 employees were analyzed using PLS structural equation modeling. The results suggest the ideological components of the employee-employer relationship predict positive attitudes and cooperative organizational behaviors towards hybrid organizations. © RAE.Ítem Clinical method and analytical work with groups in the organizational field(EDITORIAL BONAVENTURIANA, 2016-01-01) V. RAMIREZ CASTANO; H. MANRIQUE TISNES; V. RAMIREZ CASTANO; H. MANRIQUE TISNES; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)Ítem The clinics of work: An alternative vision of occupational health(Universidad San Buenaventura, 2020-01-01) Orejuela J.; Malvezzi S.; Mendes A.M.; Orejuela J.; Malvezzi S.; Mendes A.M.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)This theoretical paper depicts the clinics of work as a subdisciplinary and interdisciplinary field of the social psychology of work and organizations, interested in analyzing and intervening from a critical-clinical perspective in the subjectivity-work-context relationship, in the context of discomfort, suffering, and pleasure, and thus, in the mental health within this field. Consequently, it separates from traditional occupational health, which ignores subjective singularities. The subdiscipline of clinics of work develops the determinants of pleasure, discomfort, and suffering at work, standing out in the process as a possible alternative of occupational health, based on research practice and intervention from a critical perspective. © 2020 Universidad San Buenaventura. All rights reserved.Ítem Colombia y Guatemala: paralelos de una violencia sin tregua, de memorias que comienzan.(2012-12-01) M. ZULUAGA; M. ZULUAGA; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)Este artículo propone analizar comparativamente la guerra, el conflicto y la violencia, en Colombia y Guatemala, ya que han tomado formas específicas y el papel que el Estado ha jugado en ellos ha tenido también sus matices...Ítem El concepto de salud mental en algunos instrumentos de políticas públicas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud(Universidad de Antioquia, 2014-12-01) J. LOPERA; J. LOPERA; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)Ítem La consciencia: ¿una realidad no algorítmica?(Universidad Catolica de Colombia, 2007-12-01) J. LOPERA; J. LOPERA; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)Ítem La contribución de Darwin al surgimiento de la psicología evolutiva(2011-12-01) H. MANRIQUE TISNES; H. MANRIQUE TISNES; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)La psicología evolutiva puede aparecer en escena gracias a que se transita desde una concepción del ser como permanencia hasta una del ser como cambio, lo cual genera grandes efectos en las esferas política, social y científica.Ítem Coping with Cancer: Spanish Adaptation and Validation of the Mini-MAC Scale in a Colombian Population(Fundacion para el Avance de la Psicologia, 2015-01-01) J. ROMON CALDERON; A. KRIKORIAN; C. PALACIO; J. ROMON CALDERON; A. KRIKORIAN; C. PALACIO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; El Método Analítico y sus Aplicaciones en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (EAFIT – Ude A)Objective: To examine the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Mini-MAC in a Colombian cancer sample. Methods: one hundred and twenty-six cancer patients completed the adapted Mini-MAC, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the Detection of Emotional Distress Scale (DED). Descriptive, correlational and internal consistency statistics were obtained. An Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a Path Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were performed. Results: A 4-factor solution was derived: Helplessness/Hopelessness (HH), Anxious Preoccupation (AP), Cognitive Avoidance (CA) and Fighting Spirit (FS). PCA values indicated a factor solution explaining 58.9% of the variance. Significant correlations were found between HH and AP, and HH and FS. CA significantly correlated with AP and FS. Significant correlations between Mini-MAC, HADS and DED were found. Cronbach's Alpha was superior to .6 in all cases. SEM analysis indicated that HH and AP have a positive effect on anxiety and a negative one on the emotional state, explaining 49% of the variance. CA had a negative effect on the emotional state. Altogether, HH, AP y CA explained 39% of the variance onemotional state. Conclusion: The Colombian version of the Mini-MAC is valid and reliable. It constitutes an adequate tool for assessment of coping in cancer.