Examinando por Materia "liderazgo"
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Ítem Habilidades gerenciales en los emprendimientos que sobreviven : aplicación de una prueba piloto(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Posada Valencia, Daniela María; López Gallego, FranciscoWith the purpose of developing a pilot test that may contribute to further research on the managerial skills of entrepreneurs whose projects have survived over time, a closed survey was applied that allowed knowing the self-perception of the managerial skills of five entrepreneurs who have remained active in the market in the metropolitan area of the Aburrá Valley, and compares the results obtained. After its execution, both the demographic data and the self-perceived skills with higher and lower similar qualifications among the respondents were identified.Ítem Innovation capsule: Characteristics of an intrapreneur(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Mesa Cano, Jorge Hernán; Universidad EAFITVideo about the characteristics of an intrapreneur.Ítem Innovation capsule: Dimensions of innovation(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Mesa Cano, Jorge Hernán; Universidad EAFITVideo explaining the 4 main dimensions for companies to innovate.Ítem Management and Business Podcast: Leadership of change. It is not a story from 0 to 100(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Montoya Hernández Ángela Maria; Vanegas Chinchilla, Nórida Constanza; Universidad EAFITJoin us in this conversation with Daniel Grisales Soto, an expert on leadership, where we will discuss the importance of leading change, understanding that this process does not happen overnight, and the relevance of changing things in oneself before attempting to do so with others.Ítem Percepciones en grupos estudiantiles sobre experiencia y formación de competencias interpersonales(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Calle Páez, Luisa María; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem El problema de la asignación de los recursos en los diferentes sistemas económicos(Universidad EAFIT, 1968) Vallejo Salazar, Humberto; Universidad EAFIT