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Ítem Caricatura política y artes plásticas en el caso de Ricardo Rendón(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Suárez Ocampo, Zulma Isabel; Maya Salazar, Adolfo LeónLa caricatura política como género gráfico, en su configuración, se emparenta con el proceso de definición de la llamada “opinión pública”, el desarrollo de las técnicas de impresión y las artes plásticas como lenguaje, cuenta con el utillaje proporcionado por la metáfora, la simbología y la literatura -- Los medios escritos periodísticos han hecho uso esta expresión gráfica para manifestar desacuerdos y diseminar ideologías, por lo tanto, caricatura política es medio y receptor de los cambios en los imaginarios políticos y culturales de la Colombia de comienzos del siglo XX que se transforma al paso de las luchas partidistas y las publicaciones periódicas -- El caricaturista político como constructor de lenguaje visual, influye en las tendencias estilísticas del género y refleja los contextos sociales en los que se produce su obra -- Es así que esta investigación es un acercamiento a la caricatura política de Ricardo Rendón a través de los antecedentes históricos de la caricatura como expresión gráfica durante el período Barroco en Italia, su transformación en caricatura política en Inglaterra, y su progresiva entrada a Colombia a comienzos del siglo XIX -- Finalizo este texto mostrando las manifestaciones plásticas, literarias, políticas e intelectuales con las que el caricaturista político antioqueño tuvo contacto durante su vidaÍtem Collaborative virtual environments for teaching physics(SPRINGER, 2007-01-01) Giraldo, F.; Rojas, Á.M.J.; Esteban, P.; Trefftz, H.; Giraldo, F.; Rojas, Á.M.J.; Esteban, P.; Trefftz, H.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Educación Matemática e HistoriaEafit University created a Telepresence application for distance education. It supports bidirectional audio and video and a shared virtual environment that allows the instructor and students to manipulate virtual objects in a collaborative manner, thereby reinforcing the learning process. In this paper we report the experience of creating new contents and deploying the tool in a Physics course at Universidad del Quindío. The tool was improved an extended in order to include new functionality and make it easier for development teams to create new content. Teaching for Understanding was used as pedagogical framework for course creation and also as a guide to develop the interviews that were used to capture user's perceptions and to asses the improvements in the learning process. The results showed that the use of the tool had a positive impact on the students' understanding of the topics at hand. © 2007 Springer.Ítem Design, development, and implementation of a low-cost full-parallax holoprinter(SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2018-02-19) Madrid S, A.; D. Velásquez; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas; Óptica AplicadaSynthetic holograms have achieved a great impact in a variety of fields like architecture, advertising, army and art, and have proven their importance in advancing the holographic displays as visual communication media. Printing synthetic holograms needs the development of a holographic printer that from a set of 2D images allows to create 3D holographic images of real objects and computer generated objects. With the purpose of developing a holoprinter, we have implemented three related components: i) design and implementation of an optical system for direct writing of hogels, ii) a computational implementation to generate parallax 2D images and finally, iii) the implementation of an opto-mechanical and control system for automatic recording of the synthetic holograms. The three components have been developed under the restricted conditions of our holographic laboratory. In this way, a direct write optical setup was implemented using He-Ne laser, and an optical system for hogel writing with a field of view (FOV) of 60° was designed by using commercial lenses. To generate 2D parallax images, an application was created in the free computer graphics software Blender, applying different camera configurations. And a LabView application was made to automatically control obturation and displacement of the holographic plate. The system developed can record computer generated objects and real objects. Real objects are digitized by using a conventional photographic camera. Reflection full parallax holographic stereograms were recorded on PFG-01 plates and their holographic reconstructions are presented and discussed. Copyright © 2018 SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.Ítem Distance interaction in education processes using a Telepresence tool(SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2010-01-01) Giraldo, F.; Jiménez, A.; Trefftz, H.; Restrepo, J.; Esteban, P.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)Distance interaction among educational communities is becoming increasingly important. Courses and talks are shared among institutions and individuals who are located in different places. The Telepresence tool, developed by Eafit and Universidad del Quindío, permits course sharing among the institutions. Instructors from one institution can teach students of the other one, thereby sharing the positive features of each course. In this paper, we present the recent improvements of the Telepresence tool. We also report on the use of the tool in a Multi-Variable Calculus course, designed in accordance to the Teaching for Understanding (TFU) pedagogical framework. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.Ítem Distance interaction in education processes using a Telepresence tool(SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2010-01-01) Giraldo, F.; Jiménez, A.; Trefftz, Helmuth; Restrepo, J.; Esteban, Pedro Vicente; Giraldo, F.; Jiménez, A.; Trefftz, Helmuth; Restrepo, J.; Esteban, Pedro Vicente; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Educación Matemática e HistoriaDistance interaction among educational communities is becoming increasingly important. Courses and talks are shared among institutions and individuals who are located in different places. The Telepresence tool, developed by Eafit and Universidad del Quindío, permits course sharing among the institutions. Instructors from one institution can teach students of the other one, thereby sharing the positive features of each course. In this paper, we present the recent improvements of the Telepresence tool. We also report on the use of the tool in a Multi-Variable Calculus course, designed in accordance to the Teaching for Understanding (TFU) pedagogical framework. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.Ítem Renovación de la identidad visual de Electrobello S. A.(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Osorio Arias, CarolinaEl presente trabajo nos permite comprender que para la empresa Electrobello sí fue posible realizar una renovación de su identidad visual de marca, con pocos recursos -- Por medio de la identificación de su patrimonio de marca con conceptos como confianza, responsabilidad y emoción, fue posible desarrollar una nueva identidad visual que mantuviera su esencia y que lograra ser aceptada tanto por los clientes internos como los externos -- Este estudio hace parte de una primera fase que busca conducir al logro de los objetivos estratégicos de Electrobello -- El proceso de investigación se apoyó en los diferentes medios propios de la investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa y se apoyó en una base teórica para el logro de unos buenos resultados y a través de la realización de focus group (Aigneren, 2011) y de encuestas