Examinando por Materia "Tutte polynomial"
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Ítem Algebraic analysis of social networks for bio-surveillance: the cases of SARS-Beijing-2003 and AH1N1 influenza-Mexico-2009.(SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2011-01-01) Hincapié D; Ospina J; Hincapié D; Ospina J; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Lógica y ComputaciónAlgebraic analysis of social networks exhibited by SARS-Beijing-2003 and AH1N1 flu-Mexico-2009 was realized. The main tools were the Tutte polynomials and Maple package Graph-Theory. The topological structures like graphs and networks were represented by invariant polynomials. The evolution of a given social network was represented like an evolution of the algebraic complexity of the corresponding Tutte polynomial. The reduction of a given social network was described like an involution of the algebraic complexity of the associated Tutte polynomial. The outbreaks of SARS and AH1N1 Flu were considered like represented by a reduction of previously existing contact networks via the control measures executed by health authorities. From Tutte polynomials were derived numerical indicators about efficiency of control measures.Ítem Analysis of a generalized model for influenza including differential susceptibility due to immunosuppression(SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2014-01-01) Hincapié, D.; Ospina, J.; Hincapié, D.; Ospina, J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Lógica y ComputaciónRecently, a mathematical model of pandemic influenza was proposed including typical control strategies such as antivirals, vaccination and school closure; and considering explicitly the effects of immunity acquired from the early outbreaks on the ulterior outbreaks of the disease. In such model the algebraic expression for the basic reproduction number (without control strategies) and the effective reproduction number (with control strategies) were derived and numerically estimated. A drawback of this model of pandemic influenza is that it ignores the effects of the differential susceptibility due to immunosuppression and the effects of the complexity of the actual contact networks between individuals. We have developed a generalized model which includes such effects of heterogeneity. Specifically we consider the influence of the air network connectivity in the spread of pandemic influenza and the influence of the immunosuppresion when the population is divided in two immune classes. We use an algebraic expression, namely the Tutte polynomial, to characterize the complexity of the contact network. Until now, The influence of the air network connectivity in the spread of pandemic influenza has been studied numerically, but not algebraic expressions have been used to summarize the level of network complexity. The generalized model proposed here includes the typical control strategies previously mentioned (antivirals, vaccination and school closure) combined with restrictions on travel. For the generalized model the corresponding reproduction numbers will be algebraically computed and the effect of the contact network will be established in terms of the Tutte polynomial of the network. © 2014 Copyright SPIE.Ítem Computing Tutte polynomials of contact networks in classrooms(SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2013-01-01) Hincapié, D.; Ospina, J.; Hincapié, D.; Ospina, J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Lógica y ComputaciónObjective: The topological complexity of contact networks in classrooms and the potential transmission of an infectious disease were analyzed by sex and age. Methods: The Tutte polynomials, some topological properties and the number of spanning trees were used to algebraically compute the topological complexity. Computations were made with the Maple package GraphTheory. Published data of mutually reported social contacts within a classroom taken from primary school, consisting of children in the age ranges of 4-5, 7-8 and 10-11, were used. Results: The algebraic complexity of the Tutte polynomial and the probability of disease transmission increases with age. The contact networks are not bipartite graphs, gender segregation was observed especially in younger children. Conclusion: Tutte polynomials are tools to understand the topology of the contact networks and to derive numerical indexes of such topologies. It is possible to establish relationships between the Tutte polynomial of a given contact network and the potential transmission of an infectious disease within such network. © 2013 SPIE.Ítem Possible quantum algorithms for the Bollobás-Riordan-Tutte polynomial of a ribbon graph(SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2008-01-01) Velez, M.; Ospina, J.; Velez, M.; Ospina, J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Lógica y ComputaciónThree possible quantum algorithms, for the computation of the Bollobás-Riordan-Tutte polynomial of a given ribbon graph, are presented and discussed. The first possible algorithm is based on the spanning quasi-trees expansion for generalized Tutte polynomials of generalized graphs and on a quantum version of the Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) for quasi-trees . The second possible algorithm is based on the relation between the Kauffman bracket and the Tutte polynomial; and with an application of the recently introduced Aharonov-Arad-Eban-Landau quantum algorithm. The third possible algorithm is based on the relation between the HOMFLY polynomial and the Tutte polynomial; and with an application of the Wocjan-Yard quantum algorithm. It is claimed that these possible algorithms may be more efficient that the best known classical algorithms. These three algorithms may have interesting applications in computer science at general or in computational biology and bio-informatics in particular. A line for future research based on the categorification project is mentioned.Ítem Solving stochastic epidemiological models using computer algebra(SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2011-01-01) Hincapie, D.; Ospina, J.; Hincapie, D.; Ospina, J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Lógica y ComputaciónMathematical modeling in Epidemiology is an important tool to understand the ways under which the diseases are transmitted and controlled. The mathematical modeling can be implemented via deterministic or stochastic models. Deterministic models are based on short systems of non-linear ordinary differential equations and the stochastic models are based on very large systems of linear differential equations. Deterministic models admit complete, rigorous and automatic analysis of stability both local and global from which is possible to derive the algebraic expressions for the basic reproductive number and the corresponding epidemic thresholds using computer algebra software. Stochastic models are more difficult to treat and the analysis of their properties requires complicated considerations in statistical mathematics. In this work we propose to use computer algebra software with the aim to solve epidemic stochastic models such as the SIR model and the carrier-borne model. Specifically we use Maple to solve these stochastic models in the case of small groups and we obtain results that do not appear in standard textbooks or in the books updated on stochastic models in epidemiology. From our results we derive expressions which coincide with those obtained in the classical texts using advanced procedures in mathematical statistics. Our algorithms can be extended for other stochastic models in epidemiology and this shows the power of computer algebra software not only for analysis of deterministic models but also for the analysis of stochastic models. We also perform numerical simulations with our algebraic results and we made estimations for the basic parameters as the basic reproductive rate and the stochastic threshold theorem. We claim that our algorithms and results are important tools to control the diseases in a globalized world. © 2011 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).Ítem Tutte polynomials and topological quantum algorithms in social network analysis for epidemiology, bio-surveillance and bio-security(SPRINGER, 2008-01-01) Velez, Mario; Ospina, Juan; Hincapie, Doracelly; Velez, Mario; Ospina, Juan; Hincapie, Doracelly; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Lógica y ComputaciónThe Tutte polynomial and the Aharonov-Arab-Ebal-Landau algorithm are applied to Social Network Analysis (SNA) for Epidemiology, Biosurveillance and Biosecurity. We use the methods of Algebraic Computational SNA and of Topological Quantum Computation. The Tutte polynomial is used to describe both the evolution of a social network as the reduced network when some nodes are deleted in an original network and the basic reproductive number for a spatial model with bi-networks, borders and memories. We obtain explicit equations that relate evaluations of the Tutte polynomial with epidemiological parameters such as infectiousness, diffusivity and percolation. We claim, finally, that future topological quantum computers will be very important tools in Epidemiology and that the representation of social networks as ribbon graphs will permit the full application of the Bollobás-Riordan-Tutte polynomial with all its combinatorial universality to be epidemiologically relevant. © 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.