Examinando por Materia "Territorio de ventas"
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Ítem Diseño de un modelo de calificación y escogencia para el agenciamiento y representación de ventas de una empresa fabricante de productos de iluminación y control de iluminación de alta especificación en América Latina y El Caribe(Universidad Eafit, 2019) Espinel Noguera, Diego Alejandro; Giraldo Hernández, Gina María; Cadavid Herrera, José VicenteThe decision to use manufacturers’ representatives for a manufacturing company (principal) in order to outsource their sales force could have different reasons, such as focus on core functions, ease in own processes, costs reduction, risk reduction, go to market strategies, and combinations of the above, among other reasons. It is identified that the decision taken by the company may be the result that it perceives respect to the inefficiency of covering a particular sales territories area with its own sales force, or for different cost analysis because of owning a sales force if compared with an outsourced one, through of manufacturers’ representatives in specific geographic territories. This work aims to design a qualification model that serves as a basis for the selection of future manufacturers’ representatives interested in a specific geographical territory owned by the manufacturer. This model seeks to identify which factors are weighed by the principal in order to choose an ideal manufacturers’ representative, as well as to establish the potential conflicts generated by the relationship between both parts, which leads the principal to take actions for its subsequent management. It is not intended to seek for the redesign and realignment of the sales territories for the company under study.