Examinando por Materia "Teletrabajador"
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Ítem Análisis jurídico de la efectividad de las normas de teletrabajo en Colombia en lo que respecta al equilibrio contractual entre el teletrabrajador y su empleador(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Lopera Uribe, Valentina; Rojas Vásquez, Sebastián De Jesús; Múnera Posada, ArmandoWith this project, it is intended to analyze the Colombian legal regulations, related to teleworking to show if it is effective to ensure the contractual balance of labor relations between teleworker and employer. Also, there will be an analysis of comparative law with three Latin American countries that have enshrined normatively this figure. To achieve this, an extensive study was made of the Colombian legal regulations and comparative law in the legal systems of Chile, Argentina and Costa Rica Chile, Costa Rica and Argentina as well as academic articles and case law consultation. The results found show that the legal norms that regulate the subject are limited, have gaps that may generate a contractual disadvantage between the parties and are not sufficient to regulate all the assumptions that may arise.