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Ítem Análisis de la creación de un fondo de estabilización tarifario del Sistema Estratégico de Transporte Público de Popayán (Colombia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Martínez Cajas, Adriana María; Trespalacios Carrasquilla, AlfredoRate Stabilization Funds - FET are mechanisms of promotion and development, created by law, that pursue the price balance of a product in order to support its commercialization -- In Colombia, there are Stabilization Funds for oil derived fuels price, coffee price and, recently, FETs for Public Transport Systems, due to, in Colombia, these systems are not sustainable because they are involved in a vicious circle of operators financial imbalance, frequency of service and demand reduction -- Regardless this, the intermediate cities of the country are advancing the structuring and implementation of the mobility solutions called Strategic Public Transport Systems -- Therefore, it is necessary to consider the sustainability of the system evaluated from two points: the estimated demand and the financing sources, specifically, Rate Stabilization Funds -- For this purpose, this document strives for establishing the Popayan’s SETP Rate Stabilization Fund structuring conditions based on the estimate difference between the rate to the public and the System´s Technical Rate -- To do it, three demand scenarios are defined to estimate the required resources of the FET and the project is evaluated in each scenario with the Internal Rate of Return-TIR and Net Present Value –VPN criteria -- The System Sustainability depends on the join action between Government and private entities that allows to solve financial imbalances without rewarding the private agent inefficiencies